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Hugoton United Methodist News

the Lord with me! Psalm 34:3

May 2015

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and

the Lord Jesus Christ!
The month of April brought us into the
fullness of resurrection and hope which continues
for the church of Hugoton United Methodist
Church as well as the church universal. We
welcomed two children with the sacrament of
baptism when Lyla Evans and Kimberlea Beltz
came forward as a respond to Gods invitation.
This means the church goes on! The Confirmation
Class of 2015 joined the church on April 26. Haden
Daharsh, Frances Gaskill, Michael Mirabal, and
Vallery Persing stood with their loved ones and
mentors as they remembered their baptism and
took for themselves the baptismal vows of living
with the Light of the world. This means the church
goes on! All honor and glory to God!
What does it mean for each of us to live
into the resurrection? How has your life changed
because the tomb was empty? Do you hold on to
grudges and keep track of wrongs? Or in the life of
resurrection are you giving grace as it has been
given to you? Abundant living is making choices of
being the light in the world. It means responding
to natural disasters like the earthquake in Nepal by
making a gift to United Methodist Committee on
Relief (UMCOR). Living in abundance of hope is
celebrating with our young people as they
celebrate milestones in their lives. What does it
mean to be in prayer for world peace and hunger
to be eradicated if we are people of the
resurrection? Will you give your time to pray with
me each day? As Christians we claim the world is
different because of the resurrection of Jesus.
Then we need to act like it. We need to be in
prayer for the situations of our community, the
country and the world. We need to be in prayer for
the public schools of Kansas that funding will be
found. We need to pray for the most vulnerable of
our community to have enough to eat. We need to
pray. I hope to see you Sunday!

Baptisms Sunday April 12, 2015

Lyla Evans
daughter of
Rex and Shelby
Kimber Beltz
daughter of Justin
and Alexa and
sister Haylea

Confirmation Sunday April 26, 2015

Please welcome our new members
From left to right are Pastor Jo Mead
Vallery Persing daughter of Chris and April,
Frances Gaskill daughter of Dax and Effie,
Michael Mirabal son of Tom and Darla,
Haden Daharsh son of Martin and Davonna

Congratulations to these families.

Mentors for the confirmation class were
Livia Custer and Jeff Newlon.

Pastor Jo

Thank you for your generous gifting of

loose coins. April collection will help
purchase a freezer for HUMC Kitchen.
The total was $276.89

You are invited to the Senior Recognition of the

Hugoton United Methodist Church Sunday May
10th. There will be cake and punch served in the
Church Parlor between Sunday School and Worship
at 10:30 10:50 am. All Graduating Seniors will be
recognized and introduced to the Congregation
during the Church Service along with Celebrating
Mothers Day! Please mark your calendars.
Cordell Edward Barnes, Gas Measurement
Certificate from Barton County Community
College at Great Bend, Kansas
Kiara Braydan Quillen, General Studies,
Hugoton High School
Cassandra Deanna Quillen, Pharmacy
Technician from North Central Kansas
Technical College through the college site
in Hays, Kansas

It is that season again. Spring has sprung the rains have

come and so the drips!
Trustees are currently getting bids on the church roof.
The composition shingles have seen their better days.
Our first good rain this year, the buckets had to come
out. The drips flooded the stairwell. The area on the
roof and around the bell tower has to be replaced.
We also find our self in need of repairs in the kitchen,
the stove is broken and we are looking at a freezer to
just hold ice. Kids coins collected this month will be
applied to the purchase. Miss that ice machine we had
but sure do not miss the repairs and problem. So it will
be bags.
A new pastor will be arriving in June and that means a
to do list at the parsonage. We are working on ideas
and bids and getting ready for Pastor Becky to arrive.
Kind of like your own house always things to do.
Wishes, Wants, and Needs!
Debbie Nordling and the Trustees of Hugoton UMC

Missions Invitation
HUMC is sending a Missions Team to McCurdy Mission
in Espanola, NM. The Junior High Youth are planning to
be part of that team, and you can be part of the team
as well! The trip is August 2-7. If you would like to help
sponsor the youth contact Davonna Daharsh. If you
would like to be a part of the team contact Eileen
Adults will need to have Safe Sanctuaries Training and
Certification to be at McCurdy. Safe Sanctuaries
training is on line and will require about an hour of
time. This computer class and approval process needs
to be started soon to comply by mission trip time.
There will be a back ground check done which takes
about 40 days.
Reaching out to help others outside of our HUMC walls
is a response to Christ's call to us, as well as a huge
blessing to others and to ourselves! Please add the
August Mission Trip in your prayers. We will need your
prayerful support, as well as funding support. Be
watching for ways to help.

Gifts In Ministry Opportunities

We invite all to share in worship. Will you help with lay
reading, acolytes, leading with singing, and teaching
children during the childrens worship? Contact the
office if you can fill an opening in our schedule 544-8715

Childrens church rotation teach children

during the worship hour every eight weeks
Head Usher
Lay reader for worship
Nursery attendant providing care during Sunday
school and worship
Sisterhood Crafts planning and participating in
the craft activity nights each month
Technology assistant for the visual and audio
components of worship
Song leader for worship service
Special music for worship service

Gifts in Ministry for May

Sunday 03
Rylee Fann & Kynna Crawford
Eileen Gillespie
Song Leader:
Sandra Passmore
Lay Reader:
Dale Beltz
Childrens Message:
Sonja Gayer
Charles Wagner
Head Usher:
Pete Fann
Sarah Johnson
Stacey Strickland

Sunday 10
Song Leader:
Lay Reader:
Childrens Message:
Childrens Church:
Head Usher:

Rylee Fann & Claudia Clark

Bonnie Lomax
Sarah Johnson
Janine Beltz
Clark Family
Charles Wagner
Pete Fann
Sarah Johnson
Stacey Strickland


Sunday 17
Madison Crawford & Lakota Persing
Eileen Gillespie
Song Leader:
Brecklyn Stump
Lay Reader:
Marlyn Heger
Childrens Message:
Reverend Jo Mead
Childrens Church:
Custer Family
Charles Wagner
Head Usher:
Justin Beltz
Sarah Johnson
Stacey Strickland

Sunday 24
Braden Kolb & Claudia Clark
Bonnie Lomax
Song Leader:
Lay Reader:
Childrens Message:
Debbie Nordling
Childrens Church:
Charles Wagner
Head Usher:
Justin Beltz
Sarah Johnson
Stacey Strickland

Sunday 31 Special offering Peace with Justice

Olivia Salmans & Stanton Custer
Eileen Gillespie
Song Leader:
Lay Reader:
Lance Custer
Childrens Message:
Carol Swinney
Childrens Church:
Charles Wagner
Head Usher:
Justin Beltz
Sarah Johnson
Stacey Strickland

If you are interested in helping

please contact the church office
544-8715 or

Mark your May calendar

Thank You

May 6
Jr. United Methodist Youth Fellowship 5:30-6:30 pm
Contact Davonna Daharsh 544-1850 or
Jr UMYF youth/parent meeting at 6:00 pm to discuss
McCurdy Mission Trip. Contact Davonna Daharsh
544-1850 or
Sr. United Methodist Youth Fellowship 7:00-8:00 pm
Contact Sonja Gayer 544-4459
PPRC and Trustees Joint Meeting 7:00 pm in Library
Contact Erick or Debbie Nordling 544-4647
May 10
Senior Recognition 10:30-11:00 am in Church Parlor
Pioneer Manor Service 3:00 pm all are invited
May 13
Fellowship Quilting 1:30 in HUMC lower level elevator
available. Contact Eileen Gillespie 544-7799
Jr. United Methodist Youth Fellowship 5:30-6:30 pm
Contact Davonna Daharsh 544-1850 or
Sr. United Methodist Youth Fellowship 7:00-8:00 pm
Contact Sonja Gayer 544-4459
Administrative Council Meeting 7:00 pm in Library
Contact Carol Swinney 544-2372
May 20
United Methodist Mens Breakfast at 6:30 am in the
fellowship hall. Contact Charlie Wagner 544-2576 or
Milton Gillespie 544-7799
Praise!Kids 3:45-5:15 pm
Sr. United Methodist Youth Fellowship 7:00-8:00 pm
Contact Sonja Gayer 544-4459
May 21
Last day of school.
May 25
Office Closed Memorial Day
May 31
Peace with Justice Sunday Special Offering

Richard Barnes

and Dale Beltz

for driving the bus

for Praise!Kids and all Hugoton

United Methodist Church

Looking Ahead June Events

June 10 13
Annual Conference in Wichita

Hugoton United Methodist Church

Sunday School Classes

9:45 to 10:45 am

828 S. Main
Hugoton, Kansas 67951

Office Hours: Monday Friday

8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Email Address

Find us on FaceBook

Nursery available during Sunday school

and worship
Elementary Class in the lower level led
by Susan Ellsaesser
Jr. High School sanctuary level led by
Matt Johnson
Adult Class and Faith for Today class
Intergenerational study with high school
students and adults in Conference Room

Worship at 11:00 a.m.

As a faith community our vision is to provide opportunities to serve God

and welcome all into fellowship.

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