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Thesis: The author Roald Dahl in the short story The Landlady employs

foreshadowing to create suspense and irony to amuse the reader.

Topic sentence on Foreshowing: Roald Dahl uses the literary device of
foreshadowing to create suspense and to hint at the protagonist, Billy Weavers
Topic Sentence on irony: Raold Dahl employs the literary device of irony to amuse
the reader.
Verbal, Situational, and Dramatic in The Landlady
When Billy peers through the window of the Bed and Breakfast, he tells himself,
Animals were usually a good sign in a place like this(63).
As Billy unpacks his suitcase, he thinks, Im a lucky fellow, he thoughtThis is a
bit of all right (65). This shows verbal irony
She seemed terribly nice (64)
She was not only harmless-there was no question about that-but she was also quite
obviously a kind and generous soul(65).
Situational or Dramatic
The landlady asks Billy to sign the book and adds and we dont want to go
breaking any laws at this stage in the proceedings (65).
This shows
Billy suddenly recalls where he has heard Christopher Mulhollands name and asks,
wasnt that the name of the Eton schoolboy who was on a walking tour through the
West Country and then all of a sudden
Milk? she said.
This hints
After Billy realizes the dachshund is stuffed, the landlady explains, I stuff all my
little pets myself when they pass away. Will you have another cup of tea?(69).
This suggests irony
Mr. Temple, of course, was a little olderThere wasnt a blemish on his body
This shows
Now and again, he caught a whiff of a peculiar smellPickled walnuts? New
leather? Or was it the corridors of a hospital?(68).

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