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Merk Scheme “Forb/y SSP Prehin 2OLZ For 3 Examiner's ‘se Answer alll the questions. 1 (a) Factorise 49¢- 7? (b) (i) Simplify 2 — (z+b)(z-b) ii) Hence, find the values of z and b in 124? ~ (126)(122). (9) 1¢(1-t) ii) 2-12 bz 2 ba) 2*-(2*- Seth Answer (a) . at as 0) i) b a (iy 2% oe uy I2. Jeremiah bought a sailboat for $20 000. After 3 years, he sold it for a 15% loss. Find the selling price. BS Yhroo EM ie. = $rroe eM Ans WEP $. 0.000 EEE eee een 3 The points scored by SSP netballers in 11 different games are as follows: 48, 60, 39, $5, 42, 54, 43, 48, 68, 66, of. A box-and-whisker diagram is drawn to represent the data Bl: Det el cme Qi: AN Ore oa m n Find the values of &, m and n. ee wea, +6, 8 4, SS, vo, led, 66, 6 4 x site Answer k= i, m= ot ne. Sly th CO ben, & as ke nation ‘SSP Prelim 2012 See 4 Express Mathematics Paper 1 4016/01 Psaminan’s Use for 4 ror toe ne |4(a) During the recent Thai Sports School Games, our SSP shooter scored 531 points out of & possible 600 to win a gold medal. Express this score as a percentage (b) Also in the same games, 2 of the student-athletes won at least 1 gold medal, another > of them won either silver or bronze medals (no gold). | Find the fraction of the student-athletes who did not win any medal. 531 eee eee (a) $24 x10 Reeling > 88-57 _ 30 i 4 Answer (a)... [ly 6). 4 rm 23 CB YEO ere! | = Be Wek SZ : 5 x1 Answer (a) (uy ©. i ‘SSP Decl 2010 See 4 Express Mathematics Paper 1 4016/01 5 Exominer's Use 6 In the diagram below, AB is parallel to CD. Given the angles shown, find (a) x, () y. x ¢ (o-3e = 150 ye ite + (io? - 55°) = 305° Answer (a) ) 150° 7 Solve the inequalities -4 <2x+3<12 “SN ; m ~ p age ts a ie Paes | cl ; : A | anttbarc | : Ve praal bate be Ont thn te net tb TC eto ~O PY sath 5-098 s , a 28+ nav, HATWTCES “Oy, Sea tee neg Ga r3ahte225 -o°S Patil 2 ary BCS) abe whit © bt &-B»-g Answer (a) . < (b) .. Sie O S472 4 Ce Sco : aes 5 wo gm - Sa tio 111 Sumedha buys 1450m cable for $ 43.50. Max buys the same type of cable 747m for $ 22.40. Who gets a better deal? You must show all your working clearly. Nao _ ot Cost por metre peid *y Semel © Tess > 3 lets mi AY Coot te son My ys $arvo WT _s = 944 as Ly Mex [ets 6 dete Wal Malsd 2+ ty So length pee dolla poi 4) Samed ° Fixse SRR am | ae wy Mey gar Al ae Lis mo wis chow dul * ica ANSWEP sae csussossesiesneesnestertetnaae 2) ‘SSP Prelim 3010 Seo 4 Express Mathematics Paper 1 «016/01 Evoninr's © For Use 12. The diagram below shows the speed-time graph of a motorbike’s journey. Speed (m/s) 020 % 75 105 Time (seconds) (a) Find the total distance travelled. (0) Find the average speed for the whole journey. (©) Draw the acceleration-time graph for the whole joumey. Ca) (Aro toa St 400th 509m > QS Tat Dior th) te Sed > ga a5 Tos hs do. T mls (286) " 2545 Answer (@) soo... am [1] B) veces 20.4 m/s [1] [2] Acceleration (mm/s?) Bl; sthese 2 oonect Ba ail orceer, TOE? Tiel s ), t ‘SSP Prelim 2012 Sos 4 Express Mathematics Paper 1 4016/01 Por Burnine's For Examiner's Ue 9 13, The diagram shows a special gas tank mace from a cone, a eylinder and a hemisphere Theie. eds @r@2.3m, ‘Phe height of cylinder is 5.2m. The height of the cone is 3.7m. Calculate the surface arca of the gas tank, Flag )3 1 2aD3)he2 Sacha Ora? i aa +90 (23) Caen | ee oS | oe 3S. 3742 mt Answer -m? [3] \ wi [14 Figure B is formed by stacking 4 Figure A,boxes together as shown (not draw To scal@,). (a) Explain how did some students derive incorrectly the ratio of the volume of Fig. 4 to that of Fig, Bas 1:8. Af Hl Use fan i ala CaO? NOTE Tee bead os Fa a poke ton Fan de thee Fig B mM | \(b) If the surface area of figure B is 64m*. Find the surface area uLt_t Tele ts at G sdk: ae m* = d4m> Answer (b) .... am? [1] Ruuniner's ‘ite ‘S8P Prelim 2012 See 4 Express Mathematics Paper! 4016/01 10 For te ite 15 In the diagram, Os the centre of the circle. ‘The tangent to the circle at D meets CO | produced at A. Given that ZAOB = 132°, calculate vet opp +) Ma) ZACD, (a) Los BY" Uy n (b) ZDBC, B ne =ny" | (@ ZCAD, LAD E We Ln) (@) ZCDE, aH Pha ay © UN) 29 BC +2032") (Riefomlrere) = 6G A Ee q (c) Zemy = Mo? —(arar tap) Be aerers Chan ef a, >4y “AD id 42 ) Leder agra? Compli aa 7 oer Answer (a)... Ll) | (b)... LL © eal] @).. ml 16 One solution of Sx? - px+40=0 is x=2. Find | | | a Kai) the value of p, (Gi) the other solution of the equation, v eer \(b) Factorise fully 21a - 14ac-9ad+6ed. (iy xa, SC= Ip tieso tb) Fal3a~ Le) - 3a 5.2 er eneic, ONE = (1a -3d) 34-20) ‘ = 30 ‘ ) Kay &) Spy? er pee pS), = Answer (Bi) csesceseesseeseee coll] Sp? the-3%p Gi)... ®).. ‘SSP Prelim 2012 See 4 Express Mathematics Paper | 4016/01 For Examiner's 17(a) Express 168 as a product of its prime factors. (b) Find the HCP of 168 and 45, {e) Nicole runs 1 lap in 4Sseconds, Ben takes samen ul 168seconds to complete the same lap. If they time, when is the next time they meet again at the start point (leave your © Ya start at the san answer in min, and sec.) (a) Nye (b) 3) 45° (c) Lm ot |b, ¢5 *ale+ af is =P YP ES] 2 {42 S ae & 4 : B ohh po a d)0¢ at 2 Pas = AD mine Os pe ' e Lanis > HEF of {66 45° = 3 2 LL) “Answer (a) (b).. cecal] (ehh Pett pag 18(a) Calculate ——228-7___ showing all the figures on your calculator display 35.19% 47.53 ” . 7 : fe (b) Give your answer correct to 2 decimal places. (©) Given PONSR and QTI/PS, find RT, giving your answer to a reasonable degree of | seo (4) oS s9l3 th) 0-18 Crap) (co) Tan 25° = BE eB Rr = 12.54 7! 2 12, 6m ASF) Answer (a)... [1] ee ma ©. 2] ‘SSP Prelim 2012 See 4 Express Mathematies Paper 1 “aoi6i0r For xaminer's tse 2 > ‘50 Completed Passes Baul) 7, istribution of completed passes data taken 30 di 4 0 30 shows the to panna, 2 ‘The cumulative fretiudtey graph lirom 80 different players in one of their many European Football Championships matches. (a) Find the median'passe s ge. (©) To be eligible for ‘Man of the match Award’, (b) Find the interquartile ranj the players must at least make 37 completed Estimate the number of players who ate eligible to be considered for passes in their match, the award. (ay (b) pleyee, Jind (¢ 02), jemi + ( 34a) Wey 31 pesnes 5) “AI to TET posses ell 2 (4) Answer (8)... (b).. © WOOT For Examiner's Use ‘SSP Prelim 2012 See 4 Express Mathematies Paper 1 For Exanoer's| tise 13 20 Country | No. of Households |__to wateh EF Singapore 1.3 millions China| 360 millions UK 18 millions {a) Find how many more households in China than Singapore, giving your answer in standard form. bt) ‘Assuming that 25% of the households in these 3 countries subscribe to Euro 20124 Find how much more total subscription is being paid in UK than Singapore. (ii) Express, in the form 1:n, the ratio Total subscription paid in China: Total subscription paid in Singapore. 6 (0) Bboyio® ~ 1.3 X10° = 35% Ty) YF! 2 3.88) xo’ eB) (by) Ey skh kgrrso — gxraxihx 6455 z $82,696, 250. u - 52) ee odo Hep 1 ( ) 52) 22, 603, T50 { 0-04 3202 1s 6.0433 254.) Answer (@) (21 (bi) . ool] Gi)... sees] ‘SSP Prelim 2012 Sco Express Mathematics Paper! 4016/01 sunine's Use Por Burner's 14 21 The diagram below shows a sector of a circle, centre O, with a radius of 18 em. Reflex Z AOB = 265° (ai) Find Reflex Z AOB in radians. (aii) Find the length of minor are AB. (1) 2 & & 3 red, (3st) C62 6 ( peer mE 19x (6-284 ~ 4.6 y = 24.544 em 4 ~ 24.8 ens (b) Find the values of y, in radians, such that tan y = 2.5, for 0 °F Tle J 8): MB ete x) ; Bi |stotemet ore: v Coryeen ey. _ AABG = A (b) Name two triangles that are similar, but not congruent, AGC aM GED Answer (b) (0) Name two other congruent triangles. AGdB MKMAGAE (©) veveeeseeeeeesand, I24¢a) Plot the following 3 points A(1.5, 0), B(-2,0) and C(-3,6) on the axes below (b) the gradient of BC, (©) the equation of the line BC, @) the area of triangle ABC, (¢) the 2 possible coordinates of D, such that ABCD {Sa ge ADBL parallelogram.“ fend 4 BC (b) grtes 4B aor (c)at (2,0), 2 bat or nee on ~bx=1) B See we 8) ‘SSP Prelim 2010 See 4 Express Mathematies Paper 1 4016/07 re cay AEC ABOU 16, To. Sung? d,f05,6) £8 Answer (b) . ies ©) “a, (a3, 6) FI 25 The position vectors of 4 and C, relative to O, are 2a and Sb respectively. OADC is a parallelogram and AB:BD= $21, o sb (a) Express cach of the following in terms of aand b. (gi) 2 @ BD Gi) BC “E (b) Given CE= 20 + Bo, (i) find thy potitin vecwe oF E, Mi) find Bi, (iii) make two statements about 4,B and £. mrapraige tai B (©) Find the postion veetr of F such that OAC is perlelogam. aes 373 Us] EE t 0B > Oe 207 ys SE 5 sb Answer (ai). 52 = 0+ 88h aby, Gi — 2 Wi) ges AE “RE i). = By -b Gi) End of Paper = © = ab ae 2 3 3 ABE see foHlinear @ AE: BE w AES ® ; Soi 34 2 3 Maan i ventana tpt (av a3 =+4 8 re OF = oc 4G F- Fb = 5b -d0 Gi) aos EBT 7 -[T] [2] E 5 a4 2} (1) [1 {1 {0 1) all Ty ‘SSP Prelim 2012 See 4 Express Mathematics Poper 1 4016/01 For Euan’

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