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Posted: Aug 13, 2014, 04:38 pm (15 days ago)

Due: Sep 02, 04:30 pm

Read: Designing Groupwork (excerpt), by Elizabeth Cohen
Using one of the lesson plan templates introduced in class this week, design a lesson plan for a unit you are
developing or for an individual lesson using one of the formats discussed in class. Tie the lesson to specific learning targets and include
focus on an essential question (or enduring understanding?) in the lesson plan. Implement the lesson before next weeks class. Focus on
what the students are doing as well as what you, as the instructor, will be doing. Please include what you would do for a student who is
an English Language Learner?
Education Specialists:
Co-plan a lesson with a general education teacher. Use one of the lesson templates introduced. Be sure to tie in
the specific learning targets. Make sure that the lesson focuses on how the specific goals for a student with an IEP are addressed and
monitored. If you cannot co-plan a lesson then plan a lesson for a small group. Focus on the specific goals that the student has on their
IEP. For example, if conducting a social group, how are you teaching perspective taking? Submit a reflection and a copy of the
lesson plan.

Write a one to two page reflection describing how the lesson went and the process of using the lesson plan
format in planning your activity.

What were the benefits?

What were the limitations?
How did the actual process/procedure/activity compare to what you had described in the lesson plan?
What about your lesson plan format would you change for next time?

Objective &

Students will understand the Lesson

basic paths to selecting a
college path. OVERVIEW

Types of Colleges (facilities and


HTH Content

College Preparedness


College Prep


1 = 80 min.

Warm Up Activity

Brainstorm why are we

going to college? Is it worth

08 28 2014


Teacher Actions

Student Actions

Running Time

Intro Why do we go
to college?

Brainstorm reasons for

going to college with
whole class. Write
keywords on board.

Brainstorm call out

reasons for going to

5 min

Show video, Is college Play video for class

Watch video
worth it by John Green

5 min

Re- brainstorm

1 min

Why do you want to go

to college? Practical and
personal enrichment
reasons. Cover key
concepts explicitly and
slowly (ELL)

Call out any other

reasons they are going
to college having now
watched the video.

Powerpoint on Types Introduce basic

Listen to presentation
of Colleges and How to distinction between
get in. SATs/ACTs,
large universities and
small colleges.
Application processes,
deadlines, environment,

5 min

Watch Video
Play video for class
Types of colleges kids
in the house

Watch video


What colleges are you

interested in?

Review with class,

what colleges are of
interest, what type they
are, and corresponding

Group discussion

3 min

Powerpoint on
lists/exercises that help

Introduce lists; Target,

Safety, Reach. Yes, No,

Listen to presentation

5 min

you choose a college to


Maybe. What I want,

What I don't want in a


Introduce specific types

of Colleges. Liberal Arts
to HCBU's, as per list.
Guide Q&A, add facts,
misconceptions about
specific colleges and
college paths. (group
ELL students with
intermediate and fluent

Close with a Quote

Display Belva Davis

quote on screen.
Don't be afraid of the
space between your
dreams and

15 min.
10 groups of 4 Research on computer, a
type of college as per
the card they receive.
They discuss their
findings and present to
the class (include one
little known fact).
Group answers
questions from the rest
of the class.
1 min

End Lesson

41 min

College Prep Work time Individually Assist

Working on College
students on College App App process
process. Get to know
their unique goals,

40 min.

Difficult to create connections with a group so big (43 students), for the first lesson. Also the nature of
the class was a bit in flux since we are waiting for the class size to be reduced as students sign up for a
college course instead of this class.
The overview to college application was a good approach given this situation of class size flux. The
class should settle in at 20 students.
The Jigsaw grouping was awkward as a result of the formation of tables in rows. Would have worked
better with tables set up for groups of 4. Also this formation inhibited group discussions.
Videos work well to solidify ideas introduced. So much of college prep is a to do list for admission, I
want to make sure to have a foundation of exercises in Why you're applying-to-college. Examining
the road to your happiness with in your educational journey to college.
Very challenging to consolidate the variety of special ed goals with the singular thrust of having all
students apply to college by the end of the semester.

Write a one to two page reflection describing how the lesson went and the process of using the lesson plan
format in planning your activity.

What were the benefits?

The tabled lesson plan was very easy to internalize. Being a visual learner and used to visualizing a
TV program via a script (which this format closely resembled), it was easy to see the flow and
pacing that might be achieved in the lesson.

What were the limitations?

Space for writing/elaborating was difficult. I also would add a section for materials needed and
special notes pertaining to individual students.

How did the actual process/procedure/activity compare to what you had described in the lesson plan?

For the most part according to plan. The quality of group discussion/jigsaw wasn't as engaging as I
thought it would be, but I think it had to do more with my prep and set up skills.

What about your lesson plan format would you change for next time?

I would like to try it out on a smaller group before doing it in a large group. There were basic kinks
that could have gotten worked out prior.

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