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Ashleigh Beckner

UWRT 1103-024
Immodest Proposal

The topic/subject I would like to use is Are Pit Bulls dangerous?

After volunteering at the Gaston County Animal Shelter, I have come to realize that a
majority of the dogs there are Pit Bulls or Pit Bull mixes. Many people surrender their Pit
Bulls while others are too afraid to adopt them.

This topic/subject is interesting to me because I have worked with many Pit Bulls, and I
have never found them to be aggressive. Pit Bulls have a bad rap and are destined to be
vicious from birth, but based on this experience, this stereotype is completely wrong.

I feel from working with Pit Bulls numerous times that I know a lot about their
temperament and personality, compared to other dogs. Also, I have learned a lot about Pit
Bulls from a Television show I watch, about a Pit Bull Rescue, called Pit Bulls and

I expect to find much research on this topic because it is extremely controversial. There
are many people who believe that Pit Bulls are extremely violent and should be put down
or banned in certain areas.

My idea is worthy of approving, because it is a very controversial topic that offers

various distinctive views. It is also something that is very dear to my heart, as I see these
misunderstood breed being punished every day for an incorrect misconception that
society decided to place on them.

What I hope to gain from researching this topic/subject is why people think pit bulls are
such terrible, malicious breeds versus other dog breeds. I would like to find out why out
of hundreds of dog breeds, Pit Bulls have the worst name.

My backup plan would be to analyze kill shelters versus non-kill shelters. This topic is
suitable because many people look down on kill shelters and condemn them, when in
reality some non-kill shelters do not have proper living conditions for all the animals they
take in. Not all kill shelter are immoral, and not all non-kill shelters are noble.

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