Room 5 Newsletter Term 1 2015 New

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Room 5 Newsletter
Term 1 2015
Thursday 5 February
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Kia Ora and welcome to Room 5 2015. I am looking forward to working with your children
this year and getting to know you all. We have an awesome bunch of Year 3 & 4 students in
our class this year.
We have a fun and engaging year planned for the children. I am looking forward to my second
year at Allenton School. I have taught in various schools over the past eight years in
Ashburton, Nelson, Dunedin and in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. I am thoroughly
looking forward to a new challenge.
I am firm but fair. I like to make the classroom fun, beneficial and enriching for all students. I
place importance on kids behaving in a respectful manner where they allow themselves and
others to learn and improve.
Year 3 & 4 (Middle Syndicate): is an exciting time on the learning journey for children. It is
a time where the students develop greater independence, ownership of their learning and take
greater responsibility for their actions.
I expect the students to keep their desks tidy and unpack their own bag.
Three way conferences: On Tuesday and Thursday in the third week of this term there will
be interviews (three way conferences). A notice with all details will be sent home in the near
future. I am looking forward to meeting all parents and caregivers at these conferences.
Stationery: Thank you to all of you that had your stationery ready on day one. If you require
a new stationery list please come and see the office or myself. Ideally all students should have
their stationery as soon as possible.
Sunhats/Uniform: In Terms One and Four Allenton regulation sunhats are compulsory.
Please ensure your child has a sunhat. They can be purchased from the office for $14. School
uniforms are available from The Warehouse, and there are some second hand items that can
be purchased from the school office. Please make sure everything is named.
This term: This year, our overall theme for learning is Lets Play. This term we concentrate
on a unit called Good Sport and then Whats the World Playing At?. Good Sport will
allow the children to get to know one another and to establish rules and routines in the class.
Whats the World Playing At? will involve learning about international events and New
Zealands part in these. In maths, we will learn about statistics and measurement as well as
completing a block of numeracy.
Library: Our library day will be Wednesday. Children can issue two books, which they can
take home or read at school.

Homework: will begin in week three. An extra notice detailing the process for this will come
out with the homework books.
Toys/cellphones: I have an expectation children will not bring toys or cell phones to school.
These can lead to disagreements and we cannot guarantee their safety. Special items may be
brought for birthdays or for news sharing but not on a regular basis.
Drink Bottles: Children are allowed a drink bottle of water on their desks during class time.
Christian Religious Education (CRE): Christian Religious Education will begin on 26
February from 9:05 to 9:35. This weekly Thursday instruction is undertaken by lay people
from various churches. Children have a booklet they work through covering aspects of the
Christianity story. Teachers remain in classrooms during the sessions and children not
participating will be supervised. Year 3 students will receive a letter where they will indicate
if their child is to take part or not. Year 4 students will continue with last years
arrangements. If you wish to change your childs involvement, please let me know.
Miss Barker has copies of the class programme books, Trek if you wish to view these. The
BOT will be undertaking a review of the CRE programme this year.
Absences: Please contact the school before 9:00 if your child will be absent for the day.
Contact Details: Please keep your contact details up to date in the school office in case of an
Blog: In the coming weeks I will be developing a class blog with photos and snippets of work
the children have produced. It would be beneficial to have family and friends looking at and
commenting on the content. I am new to blogging so please be patient while I organise an
effective user-friendly blog page.
Up and coming events:
- 6th Waitangi Day (School closed)
- 17th & 19th Parent Teacher Interviews
- 27th Whole School Assembly
- 6th Middle Area Assembly, 11:00, run by Room 8&9
- 9th to 13th Middle Area Challenge Week
- 2nd Whole School Assembly 11:00
- 3rd Good Friday (Easter holiday begins)
Please check the school newsletter and other special notes for other dates and unexpected
changes. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me via email,
phone, a note with your child or come in and see me. I value positive relationships with
parents and caregivers. I look forward to seeing you at 3 way conferences.
Kind Regards,
Matt Hannagan

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