Establshing Peace Notes

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Name: _________________ (

) Class: Sec _____ Date: _________

Learning Outcomes of the Chapter (i.e. potential SEQs!)

Students will be able to:
Analyse the intent of the Treaty of Versailles (TOV) and German reaction
to the treaty.
Examine the reasons for the formation of the League of Nations (LON)
and its role in promoting world peace in the 1920s
Explain the efforts in disarmament in the 1920s
Analyse the effectiveness of aid given to Germany
After the armistice was signed on 11 November 1918, the leaders of the
former Allied Powers agreed to meet in Paris to discuss how to establish
peace on a more permanent basis. The Paris Conference opened on 18
January 1919.
Intent of the Treaty of Versailles
(David Lloyd George)
Determined to
protect British
Wanted Germany to
be punished but not
too severely
However, he had
promised Britain
during the elections
that he would make
Germany pay so he
had to make good his
promise to the British

Miss Elodie Sng, 2008

(Georges Clemenceau)
Wanted to protect
France from any
future attacks from
Germany as both
countries shared a
border and Germany
had attacked France
twice before
Was for a harsh
punishment to deter
further German
He also wanted to
cripple Germany as a

(Woodrow Wilson)
Wanted a fair peace
that would cause the
least resentment
Felt that Germany
should be punished
but not too severely
Felt that world peace
could only be achieved
if revenge was put
aside and people
concentrated on new
Wanted the creation

C&C, As It Was Lived

Name: _________________ (

) Class: Sec _____ Date: _________

military power and

create a buffer zone
between Germany and

of a League of
Nations to ensure
world peace

Supported the idea of

As France had been
physically devastated
where people could
during WWI, the
choose their own
French people pressed
governments or the
Clemenceau for
boundaries of their
Terms of the Treaty of Versailles
Germanys colonies
were to be run by
various Allied powers
under mandates
where the colonies
had to be brought to
a point where they
could be independent
as soon as possible

German Lands:
Rhineland became a
demilitarised zone
Saar coalfields were
to be run by the
League of Nations till
Alsace-Lorraine was
given back to France
Germany was unable
to have a union with

Miss Elodie Sng, 2008

The German army was Germany had to pay a
reduced in number
total of 6,650
and conscription was
Profits from the Saar
The Germany navy
coalfields were to go
was reduced in
to France
number and ships
Germany could not
have submarines,
tanks or planes
German had to accept
full blame for the
war under the War
Guilt Clause

C&C, As It Was Lived

Name: _________________ (

) Class: Sec _____ Date: _________

A lot of land that had

once been under the
former German
empire) was either
used to create new
territory, returned
to former owners or
were managed by the
League of Nations
until they could be

Was the Treaty of Versailles Fair?

The German government that had been responsible for the war had been
overthrown and a new government was formed.
The French were also responsible for the war.
The German economy also suffered during the war.
The Germans had not been allowed to participate in the negotiations of the
peace treaty or the armistice that ended the war.
The Germans were not allowed to join the Treaty of Versailles.
Although Self-Determination was a key element of Woodrow Wilsons 14
Points, it was not applied to Germany and it became fragmented instead.
The Germans did not want to sign the treaty but the Allied Powers would
have continued their naval blockade and essential supplies of food and raw
materials would not have been able to reach the German people.
German Reactions to the Treaty
Were German reactions to the Treaty of Versailles justified? [Annex A Specimen Paper].
The treaty was seen as a diktat or dictated peace which was forced
upon Germany.
The treaty was seen as disgraceful and humiliating and many people wanted
vengeance for its signing.
The Weimar Government who signed the treaty were accused of betraying
the country and backstabbing the people.

Miss Elodie Sng, 2008

C&C, As It Was Lived

Name: _________________ (

Miss Elodie Sng, 2008

) Class: Sec _____ Date: _________

C&C, As It Was Lived

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