1920s Test

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1920s & 1930s Test

Name: _______________________

English 11

Sauter Block 4B

Date: _____________

Answer the following multiple choice questions. Write the letter in the provided space.
1. ____ Which of the following is not a theme of modern literature?
a. The individual is alienated and alone
b. Hope and happiness can overcome all
c. The future is uncertain
d. Tensions underlying everyday life
2. ____ Which literary term describes the following: And the saw snarled and rattled, snarled
and rattled
a. Onomatopoeia
b. Metaphor
c. Simile
d. Allusion
3. ____ Which literary term describes the following: At the word, the saw,/ As if to prove saws
knew what supper meant,/ Leaped out at the boys hand, or seemed to leap
a. Allusion
b. Simile
c. Synonym
d. Personification
4. Which of the following is not a characteristic of imagism:
a. Was often written in free verse
b. Allows the image to speak for itself without additional explanations
c. Uses words carefully to construct meaning
d. Is written with elaborate metaphors
5. ____ In H.D.s poem, Helen, why was it significant that the words wan and white were
a. This emphasized that Helen was white and beautiful.
b. This emphasized that Helen was dying.
c. This emphasized that all of Greece hated Helen.
d. This emphasized that she looked like a statue.
6. ____ Why could the Greeks only love Helen if she were laid, white ash amid funeral
a. Because Helen had willingly left Greece to go to Troy, causing the Trojan War.
b. Because Helen was the daughter of Zeus and had amazing powers that could have
stopped the Trojan War.
c. Because, in the poem, Helen started to die right after she was rescued from Troy.
d. Because none of the Greeks could stop Helen from dying.
7. ____ How does Eudora Welty explain the action of creating a character?
a. By looking at living people and writing, point by point, everything about their lives.
b. By borrowing bits and pieces from mannerisms, personalities, appearances, and real
c. By imagining a whole new world and randomly adding details about characters.
d. By reading about other characters and constructing a character based on that.

8. ____ In Flannery OConnors The Life You Save May Be Your Own, Daughter Lucynell
was not one of the following:
a. An innocent person
b. 16 to 17 years old
c. Learning to say bird
d. Called an angel
9. ____ Why did Mother Lucynell want Mr. Shiftlet to teach Daughter Lucnell how to say
a. She wanted Mr. Shiftlet to be in a relationship with Daughter Lucynell
b. She wanted Daughter Lucynell to learn new words
c. She wanted Mr. Shiftlet to be Daughter Lucynells teacher
d. She wanted Lucynell to learn how to say sugarpie correctly
10. ____ What reason did Mr. Shiftlet have for asking Mother Lucynell to give him money?
a. To pay for all of the work he has done around the house
b. He needed help to pay for the marriage certificate
c. He said that he wanted to take Daughter Lucynell on a honeymoon
d. To pay for the lunch he had with Daughter Lucynell
11. ____ What type of irony is the following passage in which Mr. Shiftlet leaves Daughter
Lucynell at the diner Hotspot with the server:
Hitchhiker, Mr. Shiftlet explained. I cant wait. I got to make Tuscaloosa.
The boy bent over again and very carefully touched his finger to a strand of the
golden hair, and Mr. Shiftlet left.
a. Hyperbole
b. Situational Irony
c. Verbal Irony
d. Satire
12. ____ Why is it ironic that when Mr. Shiftlet asks God to break forth and wash the slime
from this earth it begins to rain, chasing him into town?
a. It is situational irony because Mr. Shiftlet just had his car painted and didnt want it to
get wet.
b. This is dramatic irony because we know that the hitchhiker had put a curse on Mr.
Shiftlet and he doesnt know it
c. This is dramatic irony because it is as if the rain is trying to wash Mr. Shiftlet from
the earth and we know that he is the slime but he doesnt know it
d. It is situational irony because we dont expect Mr. Shiftlet to call out to God because
he didnt believe in God
13. ____What did the speaker represent in Langston Hughess I, Too?
a. The African American community
b. Freedom to vote
c. Equal rights
d. Harlem
14. ____ What did the table represent in Langston Hughess I, Too?
a. The African American community
b. Freedom to vote
c. Equal rights
d. Harlem
15. ____What is deferred in Langston Hughess Harlem?
a. Dream for equality
b. Dream for new jobs
c. Dream for vengeance

d. Dream for World War I to end

16. ____ Consumerism is which of the following:
a. The idea that people in a society should save their money
b. The idea that people in a society should open their own stores
c. The idea that the government in a society should bail out banks in trouble
d. The idea that people in a society should acquire consumer goods
17. ____ What was not a reason for the economic problems occurring in the 1930s?
a. The Stock Market Crash
b. The Dust Bowl
c. Sharecropping
d. The Great Migration
18. ____ What injury did the speaker of In Another Country have and how was he effected?
a. He had a broken leg and could only get around in a wheelchair
b. He had lost his nose and the doctors couldnt get the new shape right
c. His hand was useless and he could no longer fence
d. His knee would not bend properly and he could no longer play football
19. ____ The soldiers who were using the machines were:
a. Optimistic that they were going to recover from their injuries
b. Easily getting along with the locals in Italy
c. The first to use the machines
d. All going back to the front lines after recovering
20. ____ Why did the other soldiers attitude towards the speaker change in In Another
a. He explained that he had lied about his medals.
b. He bragged about his medals.
c. He had won the medals for being American.
d. He told exaggerated stories about his medals.
21. ____ In In Another Country, what had happened to Signor Maggiores wife?
a. She had divorced him.
b. She had left him for another man.
c. She had died of pneumonia.
d. She had died giving birth to his son.
22. ____ What is not a trait of new journalism?
a. Narrative elements
b. Facts and statistics
c. The writer as the speaker
d. Sensory details
23. ____ In A New Kind of War, Raven had been injured by _____.
a. A grenade
b. A machine gun
c. The poison gas
d. Barbed wire
24. ____ When Hemingway met Raven, he did not believe that Raven had fought in battle.
Which of the following is not a reason for Hemingways assumptions?
a. Raven had been a social worker
b. Unlike a soldiers hands, Ravens palms were smooth
c. Hemingway knew that soldiers sometimes exaggerated war stories
d. Ravens commander had explained that Raven had not been in battle

25. ____What work does the grass do in Grass by Carl Sandburg?

a. Covers up old battles with time
b. Decomposes the bodies
c. Gets trampled in war
d. Is an innocent bystander of war
26. ____ Why does Grass make references to Austerlitz, Waterloo, and Gettysburg?
a. They are all locations where industry is booming
b. They are places where battles have taken place.
c. They are locations where kings died.
d. They are places where celebrations are held.
27. ____ Why did the Joads, from The Grapes of Wrath, travel from Oklahoma to California?
a. For a vacation
b. To go stay with some family
c. For the childrens education
d. To get work
28. ____ How were grandpa Joad and Muley similar?
a. They both wanted to start a new life
b. They both thought the move was good for the family
c. They both wanted to stay on the land
d. They both died during the film
29. ____ In The Grapes of Wrath, the hand-bill said 800 pickers wanted. What did the
migrant, on his way back from California, not say about the handbill?
a. There were more flyers than jobs
b. Job conditions were poor
c. The trip was not worth the cost
d. Everyone should go to California
30. ____Why were the guards after Casey?
a. Casey had gone back to sleeping with members of his church
b. Casey was accused of being the leader of the labor strike
c. Casey had killed the woman at the camp
d. Casey had broken out of jail
Answer the following short answer questions:
31. The last three lines of Out, Out- are Littlelessnothing!and that ended it. / No more
to build on there. And they, since they / Were not the one dead, turned to their affairs. What
themes of modern literature do these lines use? Explain.

32. What were Mr. Shiftlets views on life and people in The Life You Save May Be Your

33. Using aspects of imagism as evidence, how is the poem Helen an imagist poem?

34. Using the reaction of the doctor and nurse as an example, describe what is happening in
Zora Neale Hurstons My Worst Jim Crowe Experience and why it is happening.

35. How was A New Kind of War an example of new journalism?

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