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OHS policies and procedures assessment

Due April 15, 2015 4.00pm Assignment box outside 1.213

25% of class mark.

1. Briefly overview the intent of the ECU OS&H policy

(10 marks)

2. Describe the accountability and responsibility of the following persons in

(10 marks)

ECU Council

Executive managers

Vice Chancellor

Deputy Vice Chancellor

Pro Vice Chancellors

Executive Deans, Deans, Directors and Heads of School


University employees



3. What is the name of the government department that is responsible for OH&S
in your State or Territory?
(10 marks)

4. Does it have a website? If so, what is the web address for this department?
(10 marks)

5. What is the name of the OH&S Act in your State or Territory? In which year
was it implemented?
(10 marks)

6. Who is responsible for OH&S in the workplace?

(10 marks)

7. Briefly describe what Worksafe WA does.

(10 marks)

Total /70 marks.

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