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18001:2007 Occupational Health & Safety (OHSAS) Lead Auditor Course- IRCA

Course Description

To make any management system successful, auditing is a very basic and the
most important element. An intensive and highly rated 5 day program for the
preparation of delegates for the qualification of ISO 18001:2007 and prepare them
that how to conduct audit. The overall concept of the course is to provide practical
and theoretical knowledge of the Occupational Health & Safety.

Benefits to Organization

Auditing ensure the set of rules towards the measures, that being implemented to
protect organization and its customers in an effective and result oriented way.

Course Contents

Course comprises of lectures, interactive groups and individual workshop, case

studies, role play exercises, giving touches of real time scenarios, including the
following topics:
Describe the purpose of an OH&S management system with reference to
the Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA model) including the principles
Processes and selected techniques used for the assessment of risk and the
significance of these in OH&S management systems including OHSAS
18002 Guidelines for Implementation
Explain the scope of the OHSAS 18001
Applicability, criteria (e.g. OH&S legislation) against which an OH&S
audit could be performed
Plan, perform, conduct and follow up an audit in accordance with ISO
19011 and through analysis of OHSAS 18001:2007

Who Should Attend

Organizations want to implement Occupational Health & Safety under the

umbrella of 18001:2007 or individuals wants to excel their carrier as an OHSAS
Quality Professionals / Consultants
Management Representatives / Managers
HSE Managers
ISO Coordinators/ Internal Auditors
Environmental, Health & Safety Officers
Individuals who wish to pursue career in management systems auditing

Course Duration

5 Days

Office No: 181 Bldg No: 474 Road No: 1010| Block No: 410 Al Sanabis, Bahrain
Tel +973-17005240 | Fax +973-17005140
Cell +966583627477

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