Goal Statement

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Darcy Townley

Goal Statement
I will be graduating with an A.A.S in Early Childhood
Development in May of 2015. Within the next year I plan to apply to
George Mason University to pursue my B.A. in Family Sciences. In the
meantime I would like to gain employment with a Head Start program
in my area. I really believe in the work that the Head Start program has
done over the past 50 years. I would be honored to join their program
and be a part of a team of educators that provides a quality education
to underprivileged children.
I know that my background and experience as an early childhood
educator can help me achieve the goal I have set for myself. I have
worked in the field of early childhood education for over 15 years. I
have stellar references and have advanced in position from teacher to
supervisor in just 3 years.
Continuing my education is also very important to me. In 2 years
I have worked hard to obtain my degree. I have taken full course loads
while working full time and meeting the demands of my family.
Through hard work and perseverance I held a spot on the Deans List
and maintained a high GPA throughout my time at Northern Virginia
Community College.
In 5 years I see myself with a BA degree in Family Sciences from
George Mason holding an assistant director or directors position within
a Head Start Program. I have a clear view of where I want to be; most

importantly I have mapped out the steps I need to take to get there. I
am proud of my accomplishments thus far. I am excited to continue on
and fulfill the goals I have set for myself.

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