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Dystopian Literature Anticipation Guide

Name ____________________________________
Read the following statements below, and then indicate whether you agree or disagree with them. Be prepared
to explain your position on the statement in a class discussion.
1. In an ideal society, everyone is equal.
2. It is better to be ignorant and happy than to be aware and upset.
3. The government knows what is best for us and we should not question it.
4. Rules exist to help us live our lives properly.
5. The police should be allowed to do whatever they can to protect the community.
6. You shouldnt have to be around people that have ideas that vary from your own.
7. It is okay to upset some people as long as youre doing what is best for society.
8. If you know that you are right, you shouldnt listen to anyone else.
9. Your job in life should be a careful match of your interests, abilities and skill.
10. The most important human aspect is being entertained and connected through social
11. Too much technology in unhealthy and dangerous?
12. People should not be allowed to speak badly or complain about the government or
13. It is a civil right to be able to choose your own occupation; no one should be forced into
a job.
14. Advertisements are not dangerous.
15. I believe that a world without war is possible and something the nations of the world
should strive for.
16. In order to have a perfect society, the government needs to have control over every
aspect of public and private life.
17. People should not be allowed to speak badly or complain about the government or
18. It is okay for the government and major corporations to track my movement and
purchases on the internet.
19. I would speak out against injustice in my society.
20. Self-expression through art, music, dancing, writing, reading, etc. is not that important
in the development of society.


Think A Little Deeper

Which of the statements above do you feel most strongly about? What real-life experiences have you had that
impacts your position? Explain why you feel so strongly about the statement in a few sentences below.
Created by L. Dickson/Modified by Vicki Slayton

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