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Lehrstuhl f

ur Baumechanik - TU M
Axel Greim M.Sc.

Continuum Mechanics - Worksheet 1

Winter Term 2014/2015

1.1) Einsteins summation conventionan and special symbols

a) Rewrite using the summation convention
11 =C1111 11 + C1112 12 + C1113 13 + C1121 21 + C1122 22 + C1123 23 +
C1131 31 + C1132 32 + C1133 33
21 =C2111 11 + C2112 12 + C2113 13 + C2121 21 + C2122 22 + C2123 23 +
C2131 31 + C2132 32 + C2133 33
31 =C3111 11 + C3112 12 + C3113 13 + C3121 21 + C3122 22 + C3123 23 +
C3131 31 + C3132 32 + C3133 33
a123 + a231 + a312 a321 a213 a132
b) Simplify and expand

+ b s

c) Evaluate
1 1
eijk 2j 3k 1i
eijk eijk

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1.2) Skew base vectors, Transformations1


e1 = g1


Skew basis vectors and two vectors in a Cartesian coordinate frame are given:
g1 = e1
g2 = e1 + e2
g3 = e1 + e2 + e3

a = 2e1 +2e2 + e3
b = e1 e2 +4e3

a) Evaluate the dot product a b and the physical lengths |a| and |b|.
b) Calculate the components ai and bi of the given vectors a and b in the skew
basis gi .
c) Calculate the metric coefficients gij and evaluate with its help the dot product
a b and the physical lengths |a| and |b| in the skew coordinate system.
Compare with 1.2a.
d) Calculate the contravariat basis g i and the covariant components ai and bi .
Make now use of the known co- and contravariant components and evaluate the
dot product a b and the physical lengths |a| and |b| without using the metric
e) The following transformation coefficients for the transformation of the skew
basis gi to a skew primed basis gk0 are given:

1 1 1
ki0 = 1 0 1
1 0
Evaluate the primed basis vectors gk0 and describe the vectors a and b in this
new basis. Proof your result again by evaluating the dot product a b and/or
the physical lengths |a| and |b|.

Reference: This task was designed following an example from Eberhard Klingbeil, Tensorrechung f
Ingenieure, 2. Auflage 1989, BI-Wissenschaftsverlag - Mannheim; Wien; Z
urich (in German)
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