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Russia: Natural and Physical Environments for World Geography
10th grade
CDE SS standards for GEO, SS Standard 1a gather data, make inferences and draw
conclusion; 1c analyze and present information; 2e changing perceptions and values of
places and environments influence personal actions; 3f draw conclusions about the global
impact of cultural diffusion.
Learning objectives (Goals):
1. SWBAT use geographical maps to identify and label important geographical
locations, physical and social features.
2. SWBAT analyze text for understanding and synthesize this information to support a
written argument
Essential Question: How do humans adapt and interact with large areas of land?
Materials: whiteboard, dry erase markers, World Geography textbooks.
Student Activity
Engage (~5min)

Students will verbally discuss and recap the

unit with the teacher.

Teacher Activity
Teacher will facilitate paper, writing
Teacher will discuss and recap the
previous lessons of the unit.


Students will utilize textbook and internet

sources to complete geographical and
political maps.

Teacher will assist in map activity and

answer questions.

Explain (~4060min)

Students will write a short letter about a

summer camp experience in Russia, based
off of textual research.

Teacher will give instructions, display

prompt, and individually assist students.

Evaluate (~1 min)

Students will discuss what they learned.

Teacher will recap the learning of the day,

discuss the next days activities.

Informal formative: (1) students will respond to teacher questions, (2) students will demonstrate
understanding on various assignments on paper, (3) students will be assessed on the strength and
level of detail of their written arguments.
Students may need more or less time to complete their research. Students who finish early can
choose to work farther on in their Take-Home Quizzes.
Anticipated misconceptions/alternative conceptions:
Students may need terms to be reviewed/clarified.
Students may need guidance finding data within their textbooks or online.
Total time: ~90mins.

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