Austin Christman Annotated

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Austin Christman
Professor Celestino
English 1010
Annotated Bibliography
Annotated Bibliography
ANCKAR, CARSTEN. "Why Countries Choose The Death Penalty." Brown Journal Of World
Affairs 21.1 (2014) Web. 13 Mar. 2015.
The death penalty is broken into 4 different categories that expand onto the level of how
the countries deal with it. Countries have justifiable reasons on why they still actively use
the death penalty or dont actively use it. Throughout the years the activity of the death
penalty has slowly declined. That Im focusing on the death penalty in the U.S.A. I
wanted to see on how other chooses it. This is an Very credible source of ethos and logos.
Andrews, Arlene Bowers. "American Bar Association Supplementary Guidelines For The
Mitigation Function Of Defense Teams In Death Penalty Cases: Implications For Social
Work."Social Work 57.2 (2012) Web. 15 Mar. 2015.
During in a ones own trial, the judge will have to determine if he are insane, mentally ill,
or other. Since each persons life is unique to them, they can choose to have social
worker, keep them off of death row. Therefore the defense teams protecting the life must
interpret all the evidence relating to the clients moral culpability. This shows how social
workers and defense teams are trying to help their clients from getting on death row if we
have problems or have a very unique life. I think this might help in some pathos and
Brodsky, Stanley L., Tess M.S. Neal, and Michelle A. Jones. "A Reasoned Argument Against
Banning Psychologists' Involvement In Death Penalty Cases." Ethics & Behavior 23.1
(2013) Web. 15 Mar. 2015.
People believe that if a psychologist is not present during any criminal act that is during
the hearing of a death penalty is violating human rights. A psychologist during court is to
assess and make sure that the defendants from any kind of criminal justice process move
to a mental health system and identify any problems to treat them. There are two distinct
options for psychological practices that change the end result. This explains that

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psychologist should be present in a hearing for the death penalties I probably won't be use
this essay at all.
Gray, James P. "Essay: Facing Facts On The Death Penalty."Loyola Of Los Angeles Law Review
44.3 (2011) Web. 16 Mar. 2015.
There are 5 different proponents of the death penalty in society. The money for someone
to pursue a case on death penalty is roughly seven times higher. The attorneys that are
appointed to the death penalty are slimming down that there is less and less to protect the
criminals. From this I can tell that we do care for our families, but maybe we should put
our money elsewhere. I think I will use this one for Logos and ethos.
Harrison, Karen, and Caroline Melville. "The Death Penalty By Lethal Injection And Hill V
Mcdonough: Is The USA Starting To See Sense?." Journal Of Criminal Law 71.2 (2007)
Web. 15 Mar. 2015.
In the USA the new punishment to death is a lethal injection of 3 different drugs which is
not ethical and moral. Clarence E. Hill claimed that the first drug doesnt render all the
drugs painless, but rather hurt the individual. Eyewitness accounts suggest that the
victims were still breathing longer then they should have during the operations of lethal
injections. In case, this shows that not all ideas are flawless but need to be reworked. I
think this will work for pathos and logos.
Kozinski, Alex, and Sean Gallagher. "Death: The Ultimate Run-On Sentence." Case Western
Reserve Law Review 46.1 (1995) Web. 16 Mar. 2015.
It very time consuming and expensive when you are dealing with death penalty cases.
The cost of the death penalty of just one state is outrageous. States have gotten rid of the
death penalty put get it back within a year or so. The supreme court is to make sure that
all states and federal government know the difference of murders who deserve the death
penalty and those who dont. The court system knows how to settle this, but the cost a
somewhat to vast. I think I wont be use this essay for anything.
Logan, Wayne A. "Declaring Life At The Crossroads Of Death: Victims' Anti-Death Penalty
Views And Prosecutors' Charging Decisions." Criminal Justice Ethics 18.2 (1999) 16
Mar. 2015.
The essay shows that there is always a view from the families arguing about how to settle
the criminal. Families have written small notes to keep the criminal off of death row, but
still be punished. On the other hand, the friends and family provide evidence that shows
how important the victim. This in result put the man on death row. I think this shows
great morals and emotions of the victims and family members. This is very good for
pathos, which show helps a lot.
Siyuan, Chen. "Singapore's New Discretionary Death Penalty For Drug Couriers: Public
Prosecutor V Chum Tat Suan." International Journal Of Evidence & Proof 18.3 (2014)
Web. 13 Mar. 2015.

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In Singapore a man was caught with 94.96 grams diamorphine in his boot. In court he
was claiming he was incident and not a courier. As the judge decide to act on the new law
s.33B of the MDA. This gives the victim a chance to be imprisoned for life instead of the
death penalty. By the end of his hearing he was charge as a carrier and saved to live life
imprisoned. This article shows on how the death penalty can be avoided or used in order
to stop drug trafficking. I believe this might be useful in my essay for pathos and logos.
van den Haag, Ernest. "The Ultimate Punishment: A Defense." Harvard Law Review 99.7 (1986)
Web. 16 Mar. 2015.
Haag explains that if one person is charge of a crime and is sentenced to death, but
another of the same charge is not that is immoral and not fair. The recent data presents
that white people are more likely to be put to death rather than a black person. Despite
that the death penalty is considered bad, just means the miscarriages barley happen. Even
though the victim didnt need to deserved, doesnt mean that the murderer should suffer
at all. This show very good points on both side of an argument. I think I will definitely
use the pathos and logos and some ethos from this one.
Vollertsen, Nancy. "Wrongful Conviction: How A Family Survives." Albany Law Review 75.3
(2012) Web. 16 Mar. 2015.
Greg was a husband and a father that care for his family. During June he became a
suspect to his wife being brutally murder. Gregs family was shocked when he was
arrested and sentenced to death of being wrongfully accused of his wife's murder. With
that the attorney did nothing to stop it from happening. This shows a great example of
how bad the death penalty can be and show peoples love for a person. I think this is work
for paths 100 percent.

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