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Dear 1301 English students:

Over the years exhaustive research has been made on the brain, its functioning, and the diseases
that target it. Still, many questions are yet to be answered and this wonderful organ remains a
mystery. The American Psychiatric Association works in pushing through these boundaries to
provide the best diagnosis and healthcare available to those who suffer from mental conditions.
The history of APA begins in Philadelphia in 1844, when thirteen superintendents founded the
Association of Medical Superintendents of American Institutions for the Insane. The association
had as an objective to communicate their experiences to each other, cooperate in collecting
statistical information relating to insanity, and assist each other in improving the treatment of the
insane. Dr. Samuel B. Woodward is the representative of the thirteen founders of the
Association. Later on 1982, the associations name changed to the American MedicoPsychological Association and the American Journal of Insanity from Utica State Hospital
became its official Medical journal. On 1921, it was renamed again as the American Psychiatric
Association, and established as a mission to promote the highest quality care for individuals
with mental disorders and their families; promote psychiatric education and research; advance
and represent the profession of psychiatry; and serve the professional needs of its membership.
The name of the medical journal was also changed to the American Journal of Psychiatry.
Association. Today, the association is located at Arlington, Virginia and is currently directed by
Paul Summergrad, MD.
Behind the American Psychiatric Association lays a Board of Trustees, an Assembly of District
Branches, and a Join Reference Committee. These three, altogether, are in charge of providing
direction to the Association. The Board of Trustees, conducted by Paul Summergrad, MD, directs
the Association, creates and implements policies; it is formed by national and regional officers
that are elected membership. The Assembly of District Branches, with its main speaker Jenny L.
Boyer, MD, represents each member in the affairs of the Association, it serves as an advisory for
the Board of Trustees. And last, the Joint Reference Committee, directed by Laurie McQueen,
MSSW, refers issues from the other components of the Association to the Board of Trustees. The
APA manages different partnerships considering both the interests and objectives of the featured
organizations; it counts with more than ten partner organizations that work collectively to
provide the best healthcare. The Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine, the American Academy
of Addiction Psychiatry, and the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry are
some of the few partnerships of APA.
The APA approaches the public using social media, journal, and article publications on current
issues. Psychiatric News is a print and online newspaper that publishes clinical and research
articles, professional guides for physicians, current government and legal news regarding mental
health conditions and their repercussions. APA also publishes Lets Talk Facts, a series of
brochures that contain information about psychiatric disorders and their treatments. The
brochures are written for educational purposes and to answer commonly asked questions. More

information regarding mental health conditions and their treatments, and relevant data of the
programs and campaigns they are responsible for can be found on their website. While
Psychiatric News targets physicians and researchers, Lets Talk Facts is comprehensible and is
ideal for the general public, the webpage of the Association has information to whoever is
Social contribution
The American Psychiatric Foundation is another chapter of the Association responsible for
imparting programs to raise awareness for the cause and the importance of an early intervention
like Typical or Troubled? School Mental Health Education, Transition Year Initiative, Partnership
for Workplace Mental Health, and HIV Psychiatry. The Foundation conducts several research
programs to achieve a better understanding of mental health disorders and provide a better
healthcare; Practice Research Network and Health Services Research, Psychopathology
Research, and Research Training are the programs sustained by APF. Also, the APF provides
annual grants to schools within the Helping Hands Grant Program that have implemented the
Typical or Troubled? Program.
APA does exhaustive work in raising awareness on the importance of having a better
understanding of these diseases can lead to a significant improvement of the healthcare provided
to the patient and ultimately have a satisfactory life. To learn more about mental health disorders
and support the Association you can contact them by email at:, or Call Toll-Free:
1-888-35-PSYCH or 1-888-35-77924, from outside the U.S. and Canada call: 1-703-907-7300.
Also, the Association is available at 1000 Wilson Boulevard Suite 1825 Arlington, VA 22209.

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