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Name: Chris Omps Date: 4/29/15

Grade: 2 Mentor Teacher:
PDS Name: Pangborn Elementary
Targeted Group:
(Questions to consider here: Describe the students
impacted by your teaching. What is the number of
students targeted? Does this number of students
represent the total student population, or a
subgroup? Are these students performing on grade
level for this subject area?)
The targeted group for instruction was the whole
class of 20 students. Seven of these students
received increased instruction because they were
performing below grade level in the subject area
during the time the money unit was taught.
(Questions to consider here: What specific teaching
activity did you complete with the students? What
was the duration/length of time for the activity, i.e.
amount of time each day, number of days? What
type of things did the students do?
Students participated in many different activities
during the time that money was taught. We focused
on money for 10 days during our regular block of
time for approximately 60 minutes. For the pre-

Revised/Developed by E. Milleson


assessment, a math rotation was set up where

students completed task cards with money word
problems on them. Students participated in many
different rotations where various money games were
offered to practice, as well as working with me in
small groups settings to complete increased practice
with coins and counting the money. Students were
engaged in an activity in which they scanned QR
codes to practice money word problems.
Some of the other assessments used were exit
tickets, quizzes and post-assessments.
(Questions to consider here: Identify baseline data
for the students participating in the activity. For
example, data shared here could be from a pre
assessment or from benchmark data.
Data reported should be measurable/numerical.)
For the pre-assessment, students completed task
cards during a math rotation. These task cards
offered students six money word problems to solve.
Of the seven students that were below grade level in
this area, only one student received a two, while all
others scored either a one or zero. Average score for
the sub group was a 1.
(Questions to consider here: Describe what evidence
shows student progress or impact from your
teaching. What were the results of the post-test
data? For example, data shared here could be from a
post assessment or from benchmark data.
Revised/Developed by E. Milleson


Data reported should be measurable/numerical.)

After teaching money for 10 days, students took an
assessment to test their ability to transfer what they
had learned. The assessment offered the ability to
earn a four by completing a challenge question on
the back. The challenge was something we had not
worked on directly and many students were able to
complete the challenge with ease. Students that
began the unit with very low scores on the preassessment, scored very well on the postassessment. All seven students that had been below
grade level scored at least a three on the
assessment, with four of these students earning a
four by completing the challenge. The average for
the post-assessment for this subgroup came to 3.58,
well above the average of 1 from the preassessment.
(Record the gain shown from pre and post data
Students grew substantially in the area of study.
Students went from confusing the quarter and nickel
to completing a challenge question in which they
were able to determine the change someone would
receive after a purchase. Students jumped from an
average score of a one on the pre-assessment to an
average of 3.58 on the post-assessment.

Revised/Developed by E. Milleson


QR Activity
Exit Ticket


Room to Grow: Consider the assessments utilized for

activity- What type of assessments are
they: pre- and post
testing, formative i.e.
benchmarks, summative, performance based? How
do the assessments and the teaching activities
align with standards?
A variety of assessments were used during my
teaching. Class work was analyzed to set up groups
to receive increased instruction; the data shown is
from these students. Students work is displays
scores from pre-assessments, exit tickets, class work,
quizzes, and the post-assessment.

Revised/Developed by E. Milleson


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