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General Educator: __________________________________


Special Service Provider:

Co-Teaching Lesson Plan

Subject Area: Mathematics
Class Description: General Education Classroom

Grade Level: 1st Grade

Classroom Arrangement: Groups of 4 desks

Students with Disabilities:

Thomas Jones

Damien White


Disability Classification

IEP Accommodations and

Assistive Technology
Learning Disability
No assistive technology will be
provided. He will be provided
with a visual checklist during
the individual work section.
Emotional/Behavioral Disorder An iPad provided for this
student instead of a ten frame.

Additional Modifications for

this Lesson
Thomas will only be required to
complete two of the addition
problems instead of three.
Damien will only be required to
complete two of the addition
problems instead of three.

A. Purpose
The purpose of this lesson is to reinforce and practice the operations of addition within sums to 20.
B. Objective(s) must be measurable
Students will identify the two numbers being added and be able to represent them successfully 2 out of 3 times.
Students will correctly solve addition problems (sums within 20) 2 out of 3 times
C. Content Standards
1.OA.A.1 Use addition and subtraction within 20 to solve word problems involving situations of adding to, taking
from, putting together, taking apart, and comparing, with unknowns in all positions, e.g., by using objects,
drawings, and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem.

General Educator: __________________________________


Special Service Provider:

1.OA.C.5 Relate counting to addition and subtraction.

1.OA.C.6 Add and subtract within 20, demonstrating fluency for addition and subtraction within 10. Use strategies
such as counting on; making ten; decomposing a number leading to a ten; using the relationship between addition
and subtraction.
1.OA.D.7 Understand the meaning of the equal sign, and determine if equations involving addition and subtraction
are true or false.
D. Essential Questions
How can you represent addition problems using ten frames?
E. Key Vocabulary
Addition, adding, putting together, joining, more than, plus, sum
F. Materials
Play dough
Ten frame number card
Dry erase marker and white board
Paper and pencil

Procedures (This is an example to use if you were co-teaching. Complete your duties and then add hypothetical
duties for the special education teacher.)

A. Anticipatory Set



General Education Teacher

Special Education Provider

I DO: I will explain to children
that addition can be done in


Special Service Provider:

The special education provider
will have two ten frames to
One Support
multiple ways (referring back
demonstrate this problem to
<INPUT TYPE=\Par minutes
to our standards) such as using Damien and Thomas. This will
objects, fingers, mental images, be beneficial for them because
drawings sounds, ten frames,
it gives them one on one

e Teach,
One Observe

The teacher will write an

equation on the board
representing the sum of two
numbers within 20. The
problem will be: 10 + 5. First
the teacher will draw two ten
frames on the board. The first
ten frame will represent the
first number of the equation
(10). The second ten frame will
represent the second number of
the equation (5). The teacher
will then fill in the ten frames
with the two numbers in the
equation by marking an X in
each spot to represent the
number. They will then add an
addition sign in between the
two ten frames to represent the
operation. The teacher will
count out the number of Xs in
the first ten frame, and then
continue counting the Xs in
the second ten frame to find the
sum of the two numbers.

It will also help them visualize

the equation better. These
students may not be able to
look at the ten frame on the
board and connect it to the ten
frame in front of them. They
are also provided with a hands
on manipulative instead of a
picture which will be
Damien will work on counting
and one to one correspondence
with the special education
provider. Since he is
performing 2 grade levels
below his level, he is at a pre-k
level at this point. They will
focus on helping him count the
numbers and making sure he
counts correctly. The pre-k
standards for math show that
children should understand that
addition is adding to. The
special education provider will
demonstrate that the problem is
addition, so we will need two
ten frames together.

General Educator: __________________________________


Special Service Provider:

B. Body of the Lesson/Lesson Development

e Teach,
One Support
e Teach,
One Observe


General Education Teacher

WE DO: The teacher will

write a second equation on the
board, and will again draw two
ten frames. This equation will
be 8 + 4. The teacher will ask
the students how many Xs are
minutes needed in the first ten frame.
When the students answer 8,
the teacher will instruct them to
fill in 8 play dough pieces on
their own ten frames while
filling in the Xs on the board.
The teacher will then ask the
students how many Xs are
needed in the second ten frame.
Once the students answer 4, the
teacher will fill in their Xs, and
instruct the students to fill in 4
play dough pieces.

Special Education Provider


In this part, Damien will be

provided with an iPad that has
two ten frames on it because he
prefers to work with

Calling on students to
answer the question is
a good way to assess
their knowledge.

By requiring students
The special education provider to explain how they
will work with the two students got their answer for
on identifying the two numbers the ten frame,
in the equation. They will ask
students must
the students to first identify the demonstrate their
first number in the equation.
knowledge of the
The students will be asked to
topic. An incorrect
represent this number on the
explanation should be
first ten frame. Damien will
have the iPad, so will touch 8
squares to fill them in, while
Thomas will have the same ten
frames with play dough. After
this, the special education
If a student answers incorrectly provider will ask them to
for either of the ten frames, the identify the second number.
teacher will ask a student how Once they do so successfully,
he or she got the correct
the students will again
answer. After this, the teacher
represent the number in their
will ask if everyone agrees
second ten frame.
with that student. This avoids

General Educator: __________________________________


calling out an individual

student for being wrong.

Special Service Provider:

Once the ten frames are

completed, the students should
be able to count up the
numbers in both ten frames to
find the sum of the two
numbers. The special education
provider should make sure that
they understand that addition is
adding to. According to the
pre-k standards, Damien should
understand this concept. Since
Thomas is only struggling at
grade level, he should also
understand this concept.
Both students should have
number sense, so should be
able to name the number.
Damien may struggle more
with representing the numbers
because he is performing at a
lower grade level.
Throughout this part of the
lesson, each time Damien
successfully answers a
question, he should be
provided with positive praise,
but in a private manner. The
provider can work out a signal
with him, such as tapping his

General Educator: __________________________________


Special Service Provider:

desk three times, that signifies

he is doing a good job.

C. Closure or Concluding Activity



General Education Teacher

YOU DO: The teacher will tell
e Teach,
the students that they will be
One Support
minutes solving three addition problems
on their own using their ten
frames. The teacher will tell the
students the three problems, as
well as write them on the
board. Students will then work
individually at their desk to
solve each of the problems.
The three problems provided
e Teach,
are 9 + 9, 8 + 7 and 6 + 8
One Observe

The teacher will then walk

around while the students are
completing the problems.
Students can use pencil and
paper to record their answers.
Once students are done, the
teacher will bring the attention

Special Education Provider


The special education provider

will provide Thomas and
Damien with the problems one
at a time. Thomas will have a
visual checklist of the three
problems that he can check off
as he goes. Damien will be
provided with the next problem
verbally upon completion of
the first problem.

The teacher will be

walking around the
classroom to
informally assess the
students progress.

Thomas and Damien will work

individually, with slight
guidance from the special
education provider when
needed. They will follow the
same format as above, first
identifying the first number and
representing it and then moving
on to the second. Once this is
done, again they will count up

The whiteboards will

also serve as a form
as assessment. The
teacher will be able to
see what each student
found as their answer
and assess their
knowledge based on
The teacher will again
require students to
explain their answers.
This is a form of
assessment because it

General Educator: __________________________________


back to the front. The teacher

will ask the students the first
problem again, 9 + 9. Students
will be instructed to write just
their answer down on the white
boards. Once students reveal
their answers, the teacher will
call on a student to explain how
they got their answer. The
teacher will fill in the ten
frames as the student is
answering to demonstrate their
answer. The teacher will then
ask students if everyone agrees
with this by putting their
thumbs up. The teacher will
then move on to the second and
third problem, following the
same procedure.

Special Service Provider:

the total numbers to find the

Thomas and Damien can
record their answers on a
separate sheet of paper as well.
The special education provider
or teacher will check their
answers as they complete them,
so they receive immediate
feedback. They should still
participate with the white board
portion of the activity. Since
this is an anonymous form of
responding, Thomas will not
struggle with it.

allows teachers to see

if students are finding
the answer in the
correct way or just

The students will not be

required to complete all three
problems. They will be
required to complete two, and
work on the third if there is


Follow-Up Activities: Independent Practice, Enrichment, or Reinforcement

Enrichment: As a challenge to my students I will just give them the total of a problem and they can figure out the
what two numbers can be added up to give me the total that was given. For example, I will put a total of 8 play
dough balls on the ten frame number card. The students then have to say, 4+4=8 or 5+3=8 and represent it on their
two ten frames.



General Educator: __________________________________


Special Service Provider:

A. Of Student Learning
During the activity, the teacher will walk around and monitor student progress.
The students work on their paper can be used as an evaluation tool. The teacher will be able to see the work that
the student completed during the YOU DO section. This will be beneficial because students may not vocalize
their confusions or even that they came to the wrong answer during the white board section of the lesson.
B. Of Teacher Processes
Was instruction clear enough for the students? Did they understand the activity?
Was there enough time for students to complete the entire activity?

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