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Student Accommodations Menu

Attention Accommodations

Allow time for oral responses

Breaks between tasks
Caddy for supplies
Extra time to complete tasks
Organizing binder/folders
One task at a time
Step-by-step instructions
Repeat or rephrase oral/written directions and
have students repeat them back
Separate quiet area for independent work
Visual and verbal cues
Check list for things to do cross off tasks as
they are completed
Assistive technology

Behavior Accommodations

Reward system for positive behaviors

Extra time during transitions/task
Provided guided choices
Cool down opportunities and station in the
Calming Caddy
Model appropriate behaviors/responses
Preferential seating
Classroom yoga or brain breaks during intense
tasks such as exams
Provide praise to help strengthen self-esteem

Academic Accommodations
ABC/number line on desk
Homework assignment book
Check list
Home/school communication journal
Peer tutoring
Preferential seating with a good peer model
Redirecting as needed
Reduce homework and paperwork (worksheets)
Reduced spelling list
Simplify steps in a process
Small group skills
Guided reading groups
Study partners
Multisensory approach to learning

Testing Accommodations
Oral testing
Untimed tests
Scribe as needed
Different testing location
Modified/shortened tests
Open note/book tests
Authentic assessment
Portfolio assessment
Ear plugs or headphones
Frequent or as needed breaks
Testing box

Speech/Language Accommodations

Fine and Gross Motor Skill Accommodations

Extra time provided to process information and

Eye contact with the speaker
Model of appropriate spoken language
Written/picture schedule with student (on desk,
in binder, in locker, etc.)
Prompts to slow down, remain on topic, etc.
Verbal cues to encourage verbal communication
Group work experiences

Adaptive equipment (pencil grip, erasable pen,

highlighter, slant board, easy grip/loop scissors,
adaptive keyboard, etc.)
Appropriate size desk/chair across all settings
Dotted letters/numbers; enlarged, blackened lines
Less demand or alternatives for written
assignments (art projects, group projects, oral

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