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Tina Dulmage

6933 View Pl
Prince George, BC
V2K 4C6
November 15, 2014
Ms. Jennifer Madsen
3330 22nd Ave
Prince George, BC V2N 1P8
Dear Ms. Madsen:

I have completed a report on the duties of the mayor, city council members, and school district
trustees. The purpose of this report is to allow voters to have a more comprehensive
understanding and appreciation of the roles of elected members of the city council. The
following findings are based on interviews with the candidates, official records and articles
written by persons knowledgeable about this topic.

The role of a mayor as defined by Code of Ethics, drafted by city administrators. The Mayor is expected
to exercise leadership. The Mayor is considered just another member of council except for policymaking purposes. Under the BC and Canadian system, the mayor, as a member of council, reflects the
will of council as part of his or her responsibilities.
City Councillor
The Council Code of Conduct provides an overview of the responsibilities that a council member
assumes. The Community Charter defines a councillors responsibilities.

Setting bylaws by adopting good bylaws

Ensuring the City communicates issues to all citizens as they arise
Receiving and sharing information
Not responsible for the day-to-day operations of running the City

School Trustee

Make learning and academic achievement of students and the support of public education the
prime focus of the district
Be familiar with the bylaws and policies of the Board
Works within a budget, deciding where to spend budget money
Decides if a school should be closed if attendance has decreased

Each member of City Council has a unique role and is responsible to the citizens of Prince George.
Council is confined to set policy but is not to interfere with the administrative functions of the City or
with the professional duties of city staff.

Tina Dulmage

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