Monday 4-13 LP

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Gerund/Infinitive Lesson

Teacher/s: Vincent Phinouwong

Level: Advanced 1
Goal: Consolidate grammar point that was covered last class and give students
practice conversing using said structures.
Objectives (SWBAT):
Students Will Be Able To
1. Differentiate between uses for gerund/infinitive (remember, forget, stop, regret, and
2. Practice using gerund/infinitive forms of the above verbs.
Theme: Personal experiences
Extensions: ____________________________________________________




Activity 1:
Review use of

1.1 Pre-Stage:
So who remembers the four words
you had to use in order to make the
sentences for your homework?


Transition to #2:
Now lets continue talking
about verbs followed by
gerund and infinitive

T writes regret, forget, remember,

stop on board
1.2. During Stage:
T opens up powerpoint slide with
review information.

What verb do we use when we want to

talk about a duty or a responsibility we
T elicits remember or forget


Repeat steps with the rest of the uses

we went over last class
Okay. Now in pairs I would like you


all to fill in the blanks in each sentence.

Each sentence already has the verb
such as forget and remember, you just
need to put the correct gerund or
infinitive in the blank to finish the
sentence. Lets do number 1 together.
T does number 1 with SS
You and your partner have about 5
minutes to finish filling in the blanks.


T hands out worksheet for SS to fill out.

1.3 Post-Stage:
T nominates SS to share answer.

Tangible Outcome & T. feedback/peer

feedback: T listens and addresses errors
as students give their answers. Before
explicitly correcting the answer, T lets
peers offer alternative answers.
Activity 2:
Matching worksheet and
pair speaking

2.1 Pre-Stage:
T explains difference between
try+gerund and try+infinitive
So today we will talk about using try
with gerund and infinitive.



T brings up slide
Transition to #3: Very good, After explaining the two uses, T asks SS
now lets move on to some
to look at picture and make their own
reading practice.
Now look at the picture. Can you and SS-SS
your partner quickly think of two
sentences to describe this picture? One
sentence needs to use try+infinive, and
one sentence needs to use
2.2. During Stage:
Lets look at the grammar weve
learned these past two days.


T brings up summary slide/hands out

summary handout.
T hands out work sheet.


In your groups, decide which of the

meanings at the bottom of the page best
matches the meaning in each
Class goes over answers together
2.3 Post-Stage:
SS turn over worksheet.
Now on the other side of the
worksheet there are 8 questions. Take
turn asking and answering these
questions with a partner. Remember to
use the correct verb and gerund or
infinitive when giving your answers.
SS talk about questions in pairs. T
monitors noting errors


T brings class together to share

answers. T calls on several pairs for
each question so that there will be a
variety of answers.
Tangible Outcome & T. feedback/peer
feedback: T writes some of the
sentences given by SS on the board.
Some sentences contain errors while
others are error free. As a class, SS
decide if there are errors in any of the
Powerpoint Slides, Blackboard, Chalk, Matching worksheet, Fill in the blank worksheet
Anticipated Problems & Suggested Solutions:


Students may not initially understand the difference in meanings between

try+gerund and try+infinitive. If so, try and anchor examples on the board in order
to illustrate the different meanings.
Try to keep information on PowerPoint slides limited; too much information can
overwhelm students.

Contingency Plans (what you will do if you finish early, etc.):

Have students switch speaking partners and ask the questions with a new partner.

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