Communication 3

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Communication is vital process of developing a healthy relationship with parents, students,
and global community. A teacher have to come up with an effective way to communicate
information that will better serve the students in creating a health classroom environment to
ensure their success in and out the classroom. The introduction of technology in the classroom to
use telecommunication is providing the teacher with access to incorporate tools like the e-mail,
blogs, texting, and classroom website. The main objective is to find communication tool that will
expand learning process of student by being able to communicate in reaching out to the parents
and the global community.
Technology to Enhance Communication
E-mail: An e-mail is a communication tool that require the use of the Internet to send and
receive message from one computer network to another. Email has features that allow you to
attach videos, pictures and word processing documents which you can send, forward, print, and
receive. The e-mail will be use to communicate with parent to relate positive news, to inform
them of vital information of current events in the class, and to reach out to parent for a
conference. Students can use email to reach out to other student to obtain or request information
to help or share in the process of learning new materials by connecting to other student across the
world. Teacher can contact of other teacher in other school and community leader to ask for
assisting in strategies to help student or invite community leader in the classroom to enhance
instruction lesson by sharing their experience. Email enables administrators, teachers, and
students to communicate with millions on Internet users all over the world (Gunter & Gunter, pg.
78, 2014).
Blog: A blog is a webpage that is used to communicate information and other can add input by
collaborating their insight to broaden the knowledge of information to inform other. The creating
of a class blog will move the learning session outside the classroom that will allow the students
to extend the discussion of topic to farther engage the students learning process. The parents
have option to view the class blog to see content learning information being taught and offer in
input or advise to farther move the lesson in a positive way. Classroom blog and wikis where


we create and respond to content together are intrinsically democratic spaces where power
structure are minimized and out student have opportunities to share their voices (Coombs, D.,
Leite, J., Grierson, S. pg. 15, 2010). The blog can be view by the public which can enhance the
learning of other students, teachers and display the content of information being taught to the
Texting: Most people use some type of electronic device to communicate with by texting
messages to each other. The parents and students carry around some type of telecommunication
device were you can contact on through text messaging. Texting is tools that can be used to
notify parent of student behavior, to set up conference and to remind of upcoming events.
The teacher can set of a Remind101 account that the student and teacher can communicate with
each other without providing their personal phone number to each other. The Remind101 will
allow them communicate through text messaging about homework assignment and absents from
class. This type of service can build the bridge between teacher to student communication and
allows them to stay connected no matter which devices they are uses (Francis, C., Salomonsson,
L., Devadoss, S., & Schneider, M., 2012).
Classroom Website: The teacher can create a classroom website to inform the parents, student,
and the community of resource information that content to class and give a brief background
information on the teacher. Creating a class page or group allows our students to check class
information and communicate informally with peers (Coombs, D., Leite, J., Grierson, S., 2010).
On the classroom website, parent will be able find information that relevant to them to ensure the
success of the student such as homework sites, newsletter, class room supply lists, and classroom
events and news. The student can look on classroom website to check homework assignment, to
access the learning resource activities and games that link to the webpage. The classroom
website is available to anyone with the access to Internet service. The parents, students, and
global community will be able to communicate with teacher through the contact information
provide on the webpage.
Communication Internet Security and Safety
Internet security and safety are a top priority that must be taught when allowing student
to the access to Internet. Different topics should be discus like strangers, private information,


cyberbullying, and inappropriate website. You can teach by giving student some scenario of
different situation and watching video on internet security and safety. The use of the Internet is a
privilege and can be taking away if not used in the correct way. Provide the parent with
information on internet security and safety to go over with student again and Acceptable Use
Policy. The information of Internet security and safety need to be discuss on a regular basic to
help promote correct usage of the Internet. Simply having an Acceptable Use Policy, an Internet
filter, and a set of restriction as long as ones arm, does not insure students will use the Internet
well (Johnson, D., pg.24, 2004)."

Concluding Paragraph
As educators, we must make attempt to access any communication tools that will allow us to
communicate effectively with the parents, students, and global community. An active
communication in technology will help improve the learning environment for student success in
the global world. The communication tool of how people connected with each other are
constantly change every day. We need to remember to practice safety and respect with any
electronic device used to communicate with other people.


Gunter, G., Gunter, R. (2014). Teachers Discovering Computers: Integrating Technology in a

Changing World, (Eighth Ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage learning.
Johnson, D. (2004). Proactively Teaching Technology Ethics. Library Media Connection, 22(4)
Coombs, D., Leite, J., & Grierson, S. (2010). Opening Pandora's Box: Social Networks in the
Classroom of 2010. Kentucky English Bulletin, 59(2), 14-18.
Francis, C., Salomonsson, L., Devadoss, S., & Schneider, M. (2012). Teaching Tips/Notes. NACTA
Journal, 56(4), 87-91.

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