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1. Choose the correct answer

Example : I often go/ am going swimming
a. My cousin usually cooks / is cooking dinner on sunday
b. Martin and Juliet are playing chess now /once a month
c. They are going/go bowling every friday evening
d. Do you always play / Are you always playing basketball at the weekend?
e. I don't watch TV today / every day
f. Dad doesn't work / isn't working today.She's on holiday
2. Write sentences.Use the correct form of the PRESENT SIMPLE OR PRESENT
Mary/go school on Sundays (X)
Mary doesn't go to school on saturdays____
Luz/have a shower/at the moment (?)
Is Luz having a shower at the moment?____
a. Tom/play basketball/every weekend (?)
b. The phone/ring/now? ( )
c.Mum/go shopping/every Monday (X)
d. I/use the computer/at the moment (X)
e. She/do his homework/after school (?)

3. Complete the dialogues with the correct form of the verb in brackets
A. Where's Tom? What's he doing____? (he/do)
B. He's in his bedroom.He's listening (listen) to music
A. How often_______________ (Karen/go) swimming?
B .Four times a week! She ___________(like) swimming a lot!
2. A___________________(the boys/use) the Internet at the moment?
B.Yes,they are____________ (write) e-mails.
3. A. What___________________(he/ do) in the evenings?
B. He usually____________ (play) computer games, or he_____________ (watch) TV.

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