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Philosophy of Education

Kelsie Becktel
I believeeducation is a life long process that begins well before and continues long after a
student sets foot in the classroom. With proper support from parents and teachers, all children
will become the very best people that they can be, capable of effective thinking, acting, relating
and accomplishing in whatever field they enjoy and have a passion for. (Marc Prensky,
Education Week) The goal of everyone involved is to help students maximize their potential
and develop the necessary skills to achieve their goals. All students have different dreams and
goals and similarly, will make their own progress throughout the year, but the goal is progress. It
is not necessary for each student to achieve the same thing, but to reach their maximum
I believein education that gives students the opportunity to construct their own
knowledge and answer their own questions. I encourage cooperative learning and create
lessons that involve manipulatives, technology and create situations that allow students to
experience what we are learning.
I believethat every student is capable of achieving and it is the responsibility of the
parents and educators to provided a nurturing and challenging environment to foster each
childs unique development. I reach all students through differentiating instruction, teaching
through a variety of methods and using assessment to drive instruction.
I creating a classroom community based on respect. It is my job as the teacher
to respect my students in order to earn their respect. Once this relationship has been established,
everyone will feel comfortable taking the appropriate risks necessary to learn.
I believeas a teacher it is my job to get to know my students as individuals. To make
each lesson meaningful to each students life and interests, it is key to understand who each
child is. This means getting to know each childs personality, learning style, interests and cultural
background. Having this knowledge will help me to ensure that each student achieves at the
highest possible level.
I believethat children will perform better where there is strong parental involvement.
From the first day of school, I want parents to feel like they are an important part of our
classroom community. Through open communication we can work together to help each
student find success.
I believethat I can make a difference in each students life. Through the use of hands-on
activities, cooperative learning, integrated curriculum, differentiated instruction and technology I
can open the eyes of my students to the world around them. What we learn in the classroom can
easily be understood and related to each childs daily life. I enjoy working in a team
environment, sharing my ideas an learning from my colleagues and through continuing my
education. Developing a strong classroom community will ensure that each student feels
appreciated, and will contribute to the social and emotional, as well as, the academic
development of each child.

Prensky, Marc. "The Goal of Education Is Becoming." Education Week. N.p., 5 May 2014. Web. 03
May 2015.

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