Classroom Management

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Classroom Management Plan

5 points will be given everyday that the students attend class. If they are
tardy they will lose 2 point that day. Student leaders will take the roll and
talk to me about attendance issues.

Rules Respect One another
For their talents
For their time
For their individuality

-No talking during rehearsal, so as to maximize learning
-Raise your hand for questions or concerns

Infraction of Rules

Starting Class

Mrs. Jacox will clap a rhythm to signal the attention of her class. The class will
repeat the rhythm continuously. One student will be picked out of the name
bucket to come up and notate the rhythm.

When Mrs. Jacox steps onto the podium, rehearsal begins and silence

If we keep to a strict rehearsal schedule and accomplish what is set out in
due time according to the calendar, we shall have a music appreciation party.

Hall Pass
Restroom coupons, Students are given 4 hall pass coupons. If they need to
use the restroom than they can bring one to me with no questions asked
during class. If they hold on to their coupons they will receive extra credit
points counting towards their grade/final at the end of the semester.

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