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Stefania Cilloniz

LBS 400

Philosophy of Education
Purpose of Education
Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself John Dewey. I completely agree
with Mr. Dewey, without education where would we be? Education is a necessity in our country;
it is what shapes our future. A philosophy of education represents the purpose of schooling, a
teachers role, and what should be taught and by what methods. I believe that education should
inspire children to develop their passions, critical thinking, and problem solving skills. Education
has helped me, as a student, to thrive and learn how to have a productive life. It is also important
for me to understand the history of education, and how far we have come. Education is important
in this society to build productive learners for the 21st century.
Learning Environment
A learning environment should be a safe place for students to learn and excel in. A classroom
should be inviting to students so they can feel comfortable to express their opinions and not feel
discriminated against. A classroom should help students to interact with their peers in a
respectful way. Cushman states (1999) when teachers are actively engaged in asking questions
and investigating answers, they become active and reflective participants. As a teacher I will
encourage my students thinking by asking challenging questions and supporting them through
the learning environment. Since students may learn in a wide variety of settings, teachers should
organize an educational setting to assist their learning. I believe children learn best when they are
given enjoyable assignments and projects that are hands-on. I will always remember those

teachers who made my class interesting and different, using their teaching techniques. As a
teacher, I will try to implement as many hands-on activities for my students. I believe a good
learning environment shows how an adult interacts with students and how students interact with
one another to make a safe and happy environment in the classroom.
Commitment to Social Justice
In order to promote social justice in my classroom, I need to encourage students to take an active
role in their own education and support teachers in creating empowerment in the classroom. I
believe it is important to understand each student learning abilities and their needs to have a
successful social justice in the classroom. We all come from a different background and different
cultures, which creates a diverse classroom. Everyone should get an equal opportunity to
succeed. Bransford, Darling-Hammond &LePage, (2005) states when teachers develop a
socialcultural consciousness, they understand that the students culture, gender, race are greatly
influence by their life experiences. As a teacher, I want to be available to all my students who
need extra help. I will accommodate my English Learners in groups that will benefit them as
well as the student assisting them. I will continue to work towards a better understanding of
what social justice education approach entails, so I can better help my classroom social change.
As effective inquiry curriculum combines structure and flexibility in the classroom. Teachers
need to find a balance so they can enrich and enhance the curriculum in to what they are
teaching. With the rising emphasis on inquiry-based teaching and learning in all content areas,
classroom teacher are accepting more integrated teaching of content. (Stripling 2008) I believe
curriculum should be inquiry based, stress critical learning and use multiple types of

assessments, which measure success of both students and teachers. According to theorist Dewey,
the teacher should not be one to stand at the front of the room doling out bits of information to be
absorbed by passive students. Instead, the teachers role should be that of facilitator and guide (
The Child and the Curriculum, 1902). I agree with Dewey, I have had teachers who did not
engage me and just read off of the book. I want to engage my students to want to learn. I believe
as an educator we can gradually organize our subject matter in a way that takes students past
experiences, and also provide experience to future growth experiences.
The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The
great teacher inspires- William Arthur Ward. I want to be that teacher that inspires students.
Since I can remember as a child, I always wanted to be teacher. I did not realize how much work
it takes to become a great teacher, but I always had the motivation. Using teaching strategies can
believe to be the best and most powerful way to improve child outcomes through an effective
teacher. I want to be a role model to my students, passionate about my work and function as a
member of a community. I believe that teachers require having inquiry in all subject matter. We
need to understand students learning abilities and ask students about their thoughts and logic.
Wilson (2005) states, teachers possess a pedagogical content knowledge that allowed them to
understand how to represent knowledge to their students. I believe each year teachers must learn
new things about their subject matter as well as their students. As a teacher I will follow up on
workshops, which further my education. I will collaborate with other teachers to get different
outlooks on how to teach content. The more inquiry a teacher has, the better she will help her
students interact with the content

Reference Page

Cushman, Kathleen. (1999). The Cycle of Inquiry and Action: Essential learning communities,
Horace 5, no. 17 (April)

Bransford, J., Darling-Hammond, L., & LePage, P. (2005). Introduction. In J. Bransford & L.
Darling-Hammond (Eds.), Preparing teachers for a changing world. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass

Stripling B. (2008) Inquiry: Inquiring Minds Want To Know. School Library Media Activities
Wilson, S. M. &Peterson,P.L. (2006). Theories of learning and teaching what do they mean for
educators? Washington, DC: National Education Asscociation.

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