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Service Learning Log

Lisa Maley
Molloy College


01/27/15: 1.5 hours

On this day, Tuesday, I helped my Uncle Carmen learn how to use his iPad. I showed him
how to download books, what games he might like, and how to read magazines online. I
set up his Skype account, and I showed him how to use the calendar feature to organize
his patients appointments.
01/31/15: 1.5 hours
On this day, Saturday, I helped my boyfriends grandmother learn the Optimum television
On-demand menu. Her favorite television show is Blue Bloods, and she can now load
the show up on the menu, pause, and return to regular television. I taught her what all the
different headings on the menu are (i.e. entertainment, or primetime). I wrote out
directions to assist her. I also helped her set up her answering machine with a personal
message. If you miss her call the message now says, I am SO sorry I missed your call,
and it matches her personality.
02/04/15: 2 hours
On this day, Wednesday, I decided to help my dad learn iTunes because his birthday is on
the 6th, and he has been begging me to help him for awhile. He can insert the disc,
download the album, and then listen to music. I built on these skills
and showed him how to make playlists and burn a CD. I showed him
how to delete songs that he does not want. I helped him set up an
Excel spreadsheet so he can catalog what CDs he has converted from
his library because he loves lists.
02/19/15: 2 hours


On this day, Thursday, I helped my sister with her rsum. She suffers
from Bipolar Disorder so these things can be difficult for her. I helped
her chronicle her work history. I helped her describe her past job duties
in an interesting way. I also helped her find a template online. She
eventually got a job at Macys Department Store.
03/03/15: 1.5 hours
On this day, Tuesday, I helped my friend Nicole who is a teacher in the
Baldwin School District. We worked at the Baldwin Public Library on
Grand Avenue in Baldwin. I showed her all of the cool things we
learned in EDU 364, such as: Glogster, Prezi, Wordle, Ted-Ed, and fun
activities for the SmartBoard.
03/19/15: 1 hour
On this day, Thursday, I helped my co-worker learn her new iPhone 6. I
helped Jessica download apps from the App Store, I helped her use
Picstitch (an app that makes picture collages for Instagram), and I
helped her use the panorama feature on her camera.
04/06/15: 2 hours
On this day, Monday, I helped a friend in a neighboring EDU 364 class with their
SmartNotebook benchmark assignment for a couple of hours. I showed her how to find
free sound clips online and embed them into the presentation. I showed her how to make
an online picture the background for a slide. I helped her find educational games for her
topic, and I proofread the assignment. I also assisted her in navigating the Common Core


website to find the standards her lesson addressed. I was glad I got comfortable with
SmartNotebook because these boards seem like they are in most classrooms now.
04/15/15: 1.5 hours
On this day, Thursday, I helped my mother learn how to use a Macbook Pro. She can now
use the camera, skype, use Safari, play a DVD, send an email, and use the calculator
function. Our home PC was broken, so I let her use my laptop, and I showed her how to
use it.
04/28/15: 2 hours
On this day, Tuesday, I practiced my SmartNotebook skills at the Leo F. Giblyn School in
Freeport, NY. My cooperating teacher watched me demo my lesson which I modified for
3rd grade. I taught Ms. Casoria how to embed sounds in her presentation, and I showed
her sites where books could be downloaded and read to the children via the SmartBoard.
Overall, this was a positive experience, but it was frustrating! Technology can be
very difficult for some people to grasp, and it is important to not show impatience or they
will be turned off from technology. I believe everyone can learn, including our 84 year
old grandmothers. A calm demeanor and some encouragement can go a long way.

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