Global Studies Essay 2

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Ethnic Restaurants in Urban Cities

Eleni Panagiotopoulou
Nearly half of Americans who enjoy dining out reveal that they search constantly for
stimulating new tastes, and ethnic cuisine is where they look (Essman). In Cincinnati, Ohio,
there are an abundant amount of ethnic restaurants as there would be in many other large urban
cities. Some of the many ethnic restaurants that are in Cincinnati include, Indian, Chinese,
Mexican, Italian, Greek, and Japanese. Ethnic restaurants in urban cities provide an easy way for
locals to get a taste of a different countrys food and culture. In Don Georges book, A Moveable
Feast, George provides many stories across the world written by other writers explaining how
they have achieved some cultural understanding based upon food and eating. Furthermore, there
are many different elements that determine the influx and sustainability of ethnic restaurants.
Ethnic restaurants also provide many benefits to local communities, as well as inform
individuals global understanding at home and when they travel abroad. It is vital to examine
ethnic restaurants in urban environments and their importance.
The popularity of ethnic restaurants is increasing, In recent years, a dramatic increase in
the demand for ethnic foods in the United States has been observed (Lee, Hwang, and
Mustapha). There are many factors that determine the influx and sustainability of ethnic
restaurants. Immigrants are an enormous factor that determine this. The more immigrants that
there are, the more ethnic restaurants tend to appear. Elliot Essman from the website, Life in the
USA, explained that, Wherever groups of immigrants form sizeable communities, restaurants
follow (Essman). Additionally, locals that try a certain type of ethnic food and become fond of it
usually continue to go back to that restaurant. These individuals also bring more of their friends
and family creating a greater customer base for these restaurants. Usually many ethnic
restaurants become successful because they are different. Many people have never tried certain

ethnic foods and they fall in love with the delicious taste of it. There are thousands of ethnic
restaurants in urban environments throughout the United States. Elliot Essman explains that, No
ethnicity is too small or obscure not to support a thriving food culture somewhere in the United
States (Essman). Around the United States there are individuals who are willing to try many
different things and have an open mind to different cultures. Americans are always looking for
some good food, no matter what ethnicity it is from.
Ethnic restaurants provide many advantages to communities. One advantage is that ethnic
restaurants help the economy. It was found that, In 2011, the ethnic food market continued to
grow with $3 billion in sales and 5% to 6% annual growth and it is expected that sales will reach
$3.9 billion in 2016 (Lee, Hwang, and Mustapha). Many goods from these countries are also
being sent to the United States. Ethnic restaurants create job opportunities as well. Additionally,
another advantage of ethnic restaurants is that they bring diversity to cities. These restaurants
provide urban cities with new ideas. They show locals a little of what a country is like. Original
and delicious food is another advantage. Through these restaurants, locals are able to see the
many mouthwatering foods that they have never seen or heard of before. Essman explains in his
website that, The taste for spice is a mushrooming phenomenon in America: immigrants, those
from Thailand being a perfect example, bring in new spicy offerings, Americans become
addicted, they crave more, and come to support a greater number and variety of restaurants that
in turn support the diner's urge for such taste stimulation (Essman). Once people find something
that they love while eating, they will continue to eat it time and time again.
Ethnic restaurants also inform individuals global understanding at home as well as when
they travel abroad. Ethnic restaurants help individuals understand different cultures. They help
individuals see how people of a certain ethnicity eat. At times, people can also get a glimpse of

certain customs, art, and music, at ethnic restaurants. In, A Moveable Feast, Laura Frasers
excerpt portrays how cultural understanding occurs through food and eating. While Laura is in
Italy, she ate a plate of pasta that she found to be very delicious, but the problem was that she did
not know how to say the word delicious in Italian. Laura asked her cousin how to say
delicious and he replied in Italian, buono, buonissimo (278). Through this, Laura was able to
understand more of the culture through food and eating by learning the language. Another
example of an excerpt in A Moveable Feast that provides some cultural understanding through
food and eating is the story that Ruth Rabin wrote. As Ruth is in Cairo, she meets a man named
Nasr, and Nasr talks to her about many things about Egypt and the Middle East. During the time
they spend together, hummus is a huge part of the conversation. Nasr explains that hummus
is the most important food in the Middle East, and one of the oldest(222). Through this, Ruth
is able to understand more about the culture by simply eating a piece of pita with hummus.
Learning a little about a culture of a country can be as simple as that. Furthermore, by eating at
local ethnic restaurants people are able to understand more about a country and what they are
like. When these people travel abroad, they are more comfortable and understanding of cultures
because they already have knowledge of global cultures from home.
Ethnic restaurants are becoming immensely popular over the past few years, not only in
Cincinnati, but also in many urban cities across the United States. Ethnic restaurants are
important to the United States. In the article, Popular Ethnic Foods in the United States, it is
explained that, As immigration, tourism, and international trade have increased worldwide, the
role of ethnicity has become more important not only in business and consumer behavior, but
also in food culture and the food industry (Lee, Hwang, and Mustapha). Without ethnic
restaurants who knows if individuals would ever have tasted wonderful and delicious ethnic

foods such as kebabs, churros, lasagna, baklava, egg rolls, tiramisu, tacos, and flan. By eating at
an ethnic restaurant, locals are able to understand more about the culture of a certain country.
Don Georges book, A Moveable Feast, provides many great and intriguing stories about culture
and food/eating around the world. Ethnic restaurants are sustainable, arriving in large numbers,
provide many benefits to local communities in the United States, and aid individuals in global
understanding at home and abroad. Always try different ethnic restaurants in your local city,
there are an innumerable amount of benefits to going!

Works Cited
Essman, Elliot. "Ethnic Dining Trends in the United States." Life in the USA. N.p., 2014. Web.
21 Feb. 2015. <>.
Lee, Jee Hye, Johye Hwang, and Azlin Mustapha. "Popular Ethnic Foods in the United States: A
Historical and Safety Perspective." Institute of Food Technologists, 2013. Web. 21 Feb.
2015. <>.
Slimbach, Richard. Becoming World Wise: A Guide to Global Learning. Sterling, VA: Stylus
Pub., LLC, 2010. Print.

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