Essay 4 Global Studies

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Exploring Other Cultures

Eleni Panagiotopoulou
The first step in this journey is to venture outside our comfort zones (23). The
Exploring International Culture assignment for Professor Graces Global Studies course was
one of the most interesting and different projects that students have ever done. Every student
went out of their comfort zone in order to discover more about different cultures around the
world. Students had the chance to emerge themselves in the many different cultures of the world
through a multitude of events and learning. For this essay, it is important to reflect upon this
assignment. It is important to explain what was discovered with some analytical insight. The
multiple assignments were vital in order for students to become more informed about global
cultures and global travel. In this essay, it is essential to focus on some critical parts of the
assignment such as WorldFest, school organizations such as Sigma Epsilon Phi, ethnic
restaurants, and study abroad.
The University of Cincinnati hosted a WorldFest event from March 6th to March 13th. This
event was hosted by the Office of Ethnic Programs and Services (UC WorldFest). WorldFest
involved numerous countries across the world. During WorldFest, Students were able to
celebrate a variety of cultures. Also, many University of Cincinnati clubs, organizations and
offices, hosted events to celebrate the beauty of diversity (UC WorldFest). Some countries that
were being presented at WorldFest include Israel, Mexico, India, Egypt, etc. There were an
abundant amount of events. But, there were five events in which were very fascinating. One
event that was very exciting was the Taste of India. At this event, students had the chance to eat
delicious Asian Indian food, listen and watch song-and-dance Bollywood performances, got the
opportunity to get henna tattoos, and much more. At this event, it was extremely interesting to
see the performances that the little children did. These performances were true talent.

Additionally, Indian food such as Samosa, Pakora, and Jalebi were absolutely delicious! Another
big event was the WorldFest Grand Ceremony. This ceremony showcased different cultures,
countries, and organizations. There were many song-and-dance performances and a multitude of
food from a variety of cultures. The song-and-dance performances were brilliant as well. For
example, two students sang a Saudi Arabian song that was so intriguing and very beautiful. The
third event was the Explore Israel event. At this event, students were able to see many different
aspects of Israel. These aspects include culture, religion, and geographical. There was food, Dead
Sea lotions, sunglasses, and many fun facts about the Israeli culture. Another event was the
WorldFest Breakfast. The WorldFest Breakfast was a Middle Eastern breakfast with traditional
foods and drinks from many Middle Eastern countries. There were many foods present, some
include Foul and Shakshuka. The last event was the Civilian Applications of Unmanned Aerial
Systems. This event was a lecture that focused on drones and their beneficial and humanitarian
uses. University of Cincinnati graduate students along with many professors from the University
of Cincinnati have created great research on unmanned aerial vehicles/drones. The lecturer
explained that they have created an unmanned aerial vehicle that can remove smoke in its video,
in order for firefighters to find humans and pets during a fire. WOW. Furthermore, now that
many students got the opportunity to attend WorldFest, many were very happy with what they
discovered about other cultures. Because of this, many students are likely to attend WorldFest
again next year. WorldFest is a great event, and without attending events like these students
would not be able to try so many new foods, hear wonderful and such artistic music, learn facts
about countries, etc. Without attending events like these, students would not be able to
understand to such a degree, different cultures.

Another part of the assignment was evaluating a campus organization at the University of
Cincinnati that is oriented towards a particular ethnicity or nationality. One club organization that
was reflected upon is Sigma Epsilon Phi. This organization is a social group at the University of
Cincinnati for all students of Orthodox faith. Current University of Cincinnati students
established Sigma Epsilon Phi at the University of Cincinnati in 2013. This organizations
purpose was to connect students of Orthodox faith with one another. At meetings, Sigma Epsilon
Phi has bible studies, they cook ethnic food together two times a month, and they also attend
Church services and Church events together. This was a great example of a student organization
to examine because it is all about culture. This organization was first only focused on Greek
Orthodox students, but recently, it has been moved onto Coptic Orthodox students as well. Sigma
Epsilon Phi is a tremendous organization, as it brings students together through culture.
Eating at an ethnic restaurant was another part of the assignment. One ethnic restaurant
that has very delicious food in Cincinnati is the Saigon Caf. The Saigon Caf is a Vietnamese
Restaurant in Hyde Park. The Saigon Caf has mouthwatering spring rolls, pho, and fried rice.
This restaurant has such terrific original ethnic Vietnamese food. Also, the costumers are given
chopsticks to eat their food, which is very cool, as chopsticks are common in Asian cultures. The
Saigon Caf makes costumers feel as if they are actually in Vietnam dining with the locals! This
place is the place to go for original Vietnamese food in Cincinnati. It is also a great choice for
people to go to if it is there first time trying Vietnamese food. The workers at the Saigon Caf are
great at explaining and recommending food. The Saigon Caf was a great way to emerge in the
Vietnamese culture in Cincinnati.
Study abroad was another part of the Exploring International Culture assignment.
Students were asked to find the statistics on study abroad at the University of Cincinnati. The

statistics are terrific! The University of Cincinnati is a very active school in relation to study
abroad. In 2013-2014, over 1,370 University of Cincinnati students choose to study abroad
(UC International). Some of the top destinations for study abroad include the United Kingdom,
France, China, Mexico, Spain, Germany, Italy, Canada, and India (UC International).
Additionally, in 2014 for spring break over 400 Bearcats studied abroad (UC International).
These statistics are great. It is important that students in college have the opportunity to study
abroad and to be able to experience new cultures and individuals. One of the things that everyone
should get the chance to do during their lifetime is to travel across the world. There is no feeling
like experiencing new ideas in life. Studying abroad is such a blessing for those who have the
opportunity to do so.
The Exploring International Culture assignment was an extremely fun project! Students
got out of their comfort zone in order to understand more about cultures. By attending multiple
events, and by finding out information about many things, students were able to widen their
knowledge of cultures around the world. It is vital in life to understand more about the world.
Every individual should always focus emerging themselves in different cultures in order to
experience a lot more. It is okay to be uncomfortable when trying something new, everyone is.
But, what is more important is what you learn from your experiences. Like Eleanor Roosevelt
said, The purpose of life is to live it, to taste it, to experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly
and without fear for newer and richer experience.

Works Cited

Slimbach, Richard. Becoming World Wise: A Guide to Global Learning. Sterling, VA: Stylus
Pub., LLC, 2010. Print.
"Study Abroad." UC International. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Apr. 2015.
WorldFest Descriptive Calendar." University of Cincinnati. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Apr. 2015.

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