Domino's Pizza Dialogue

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JOURNEYMAN: Good afternoon, Sr.

J: This is the menu
C: journeyman, please
J: Can I help you?
C: I want a small pizza with bacon, salami and mushrooms
J: Do you want something to drink?
C: yes, I do. I want a soda
J: ok, in one moment I will bring your order
ten minutes later
J: this is your order, gentleman
C: thank you
(the costumer have a drink of soda, and in the moment he was going to
bite the pizza, he saw something)
C: journeyman! Journeyman!
J: what happened Sr.?
C: journeyman, what is this? I need the manager!
J: no Sr. please, I have a family, the manager will discharge!
C: no man, you dont understand me, I need the manager now! Now!
one minute later
MANAGER: good afternoon gentleman, can I help you?
C: yes, you can. Look at this, my pizza have a croton bug!
M: oh Sr., excuse us please. What do you want? A refund or another
C: no man, I need a lawyer!!!

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