Assignment IMNPD UC3F1407

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Individual Assignment
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Learning Outcome
The student should be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the widely
recognised attributes necessary in developing and successfully commercialising a new product.
Students are also expected to be able to develop coherent lines for argument and provide
solutions to a given innovation management scenarios. Last but not least, students are expected
to be able to apply and evaluate innovation management and new product development
techniques for launch planning, implementation and management.
This in-course individual assignment constitutes 50% of the total course grade and is
broken down into TWO (2) questions attributing 50 marks to each of the total assignment
assessment grade.
Inside Google's New-Product Process: The Google Glass
Back in early 2012, before the world had heard of Google Glass, the tech world was ablaze with
rumours that the search giant was beavering away on augmented reality goggles.
As the days went by, it was clear that not only was this true, but that Google's dream of wearable
technology was far, far closer to release than anyone would have guessed.
Roll forward just over a year and the first versions are in the hands of developers who went into
a lottery to fork out $1,500 for their own pair of spectacles.
But what exactly is Google Glass? Why is it attracting all this attention and what are the
implications - both good and bad - of having a Google-eye view of the world?

What is Google Glass?

Google Glass is an attempt to free data from desktop computers and portable devices like phones
and tablets, and place it right in front of your eyes.
Essentially, Google Glass is a camera, display, touchpad, battery and microphone built into
spectacle frames so that you can perch a display in your field of vision, film, take pictures, search
and translate on the go.
The principle is one that has been around for years in science fiction, and more recently it's
become a slightly clunky reality. In fact, the "heads-up display" putting data in your field of
vision became a reality as early as 1900 when the reflector sight was invented.

Level 3 & 4
Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation

Individual Assignment
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Google Glass options

Google Glass uses display technology instead to put data in front (or at least, to the upper right)
of your vision courtesy of a prism screen. This is designed to be easily seen without obstructing
your view. According to Google the display is "the equivalent of a 25-inch high definition screen
from eight feet away". There's no official word on native resolution, but 640 x 360 has been
widely mooted.
Overlaying data into your vision has obvious benefits; many of which are already functional in
Google Glass. Directions become more intuitive (although it sounds like there is no GPS on
board so you will have to pair it with your phone), you can view real-time translations or
transcriptions of what is being said, and you can scroll through and reply to messages - all on the
The embedded camera obviously does not need a viewfinder because it is simply recording your
first-person perspective, allowing you to take snaps or footage of what you are actually seeing.
Any function that requires you to look at a screen could be put in front of you.
Controlling this data is the next neat trick. With a microphone and touchpad on one arm of the
frame, you can select what you want to do with a brief gesture or by talking to the device, and
Google Glass will interpret your commands.
Google Glass can also provide sound, with bone-induction technology confirmed. This vibrates
your skull to create sound, which is both more grisly sounding and much less cumbersome than
traditional headphones.

What can Google Glass do?

As well as Google's own list of features, the early apps for Google Glass provide a neat glimpse
into the potential of the headset.
As well as photos and film - which require no explanation - you can use the Google hangout
software to video conference with your friends and show them what you're looking at.
You'll also be able to use Google Maps to get directions, although with GPS absent from the spec
list, you'll need to tether Glass to your phone.
To do that, Google offers the MyGlass app. This pairs your headset with an Android phone. As
well as sharing GPS data, this means messages can be received, viewed on the display, and
answered using the microphone and Google's voice-to-text functionality.
Google has given its Glass project a big boost by snapping up voice specialists DNNresearch.

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Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation

Individual Assignment
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That functionality will also bring the ability to translate the words being spoken to you into your
own language on the display. Obviously you'll need a WiFi connection or a hefty data plan if
you're in another country, but it's certainly a neat trick if it works.
Third parties are also already developing some rather cool/scary apps for Google Glass including one that allows you to identify your friends in a crowd, and another that allows you to
dictate an email.
The New York Times app gives an idea how news will be displayed when it's asked for: a
headline, byline, appropriate image and number of hours since the article was published are
Other cool ideas include an air carrier's suggestion that you could have flight details beamed to
you while you are waiting at the airport. Basically, the sky's the limit.
If you want to know if Google Glass is any good - TechRadar's Alex Roth spent time with the
device and said the following:
"Is Glass cool and entirely novel? Yes, it certainly is. Is it a device that will change the life of, or
even just prove useful to, the average consumer? That's doubtful."

What are the Google Glass specifications?

As well as a mooted 640 x 360 display, the built-in camera is a 5MP snapper that can film at
Battery life is apparently a day, although that's with the usual "typical use" caveat, which
probably excludes a lot of videoing.
There's 16GB of flash memory built into the device, although only 12GB will be available for
user storage. The device will sync to your Google Drive in the cloud
Bluetooth and WiFi will be built in, but no GPS chip - so the Glass will probably work best
alongside an Android phone, although you can pair with any Bluetooth enabled phone.
The frame will come with replacement and adjustable nosepads, and is expected to be both
lightweight and extremely robust. It will also have a touchpad along one arm.
The sound will be produced through bone conduction transfer - vibrating your skull to transmit
to your ears.
There is a Micro USB cable and charger for the dev. versions, and all of the above specs are
expected to be replicated in the consumer versions when they arrive.

Level 3 & 4
Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation

Individual Assignment
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Lastly, Google Glass will come in five colours: Charcoal, Tangerine, Shale, Cotton and Sky.
Using Glass's translation ability to turn that list from marketing speaks to plain English, that's
black, orange, grey, white and blue.

What's the Google Glass price?

The Google Glass Explorer (the developer version being sent out now) costs $1,500 - around
985 or AU$1,449.
The consumer versions, which are expected to arrive by the end of 2013, are expected to be a
little cheaper, although any actual prices remain speculative. They are unlikely to be super-cheap
- but Google's success with the Nexus 7 tablet may prompt the company to subsidise some of the

When is the Google Glass release date?

A final release date has not been announced, but sources tell us that the original suggestion of
2014 was actually overly pessimistic and we could see Google Glass arrive in time for the end of

Who is providing the competition?

Of course, with something as high profile as Google Glass, every major company has been
linked with building a competitor.
Apple and Microsoft are Google's most obvious rivals - and both are rumoured to be working on
their own equivalents. Sony has gone so far as to patent a Glass-alike offering. Vuzix, Oakley
and Baidu are other numbered among the potential Glass rivals, and they won't be the last.
Indeed, one Taiwanese manufacturer Oculon are readying a cheaper, higher specified version.
There is going to be plenty of competition going forward.
Interestingly, Google might already be considering its own successor to Glass if this patent is to
be believed. The patented design looks more like regular glasses, following the style of Google's
potential competitors.
Another project that is attracting attention for mixing screens and glasses is the Oculus Rift,
which is currently very much about gaming, but could feasibly - using a camera - show you live
video of reality and enable some awesome real time overlays because it's a complete screen.

Is Project Glass evil?

Obviously with any new technology there is the potential for misuse - and Google Glass is, of
course, a little problematic when it comes to privacy.
Level 3 & 4
Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation

Individual Assignment
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Of course, Google would say that it is merely taking the functionality that we already have in our
portable devices and making it more readily accessible.
Google Glass - is it evil?
A lot will come down to personal preference. For many, the prospect of being filmed by someone
from their glasses will make them uneasy, having conversations logged and transcribed will be
divisive, and the inclusion of facial recognition would clearly be problematic.
Google has released some information regarding how you know when people are filming
through the device, which should quash some people's fears that the device will be used as a
Essentially, if there is a light on then Google Glass is filming you or taking your picture.
It's important to note that there will be restrictions on when you use Glass, and proving it's not on
might not be enough. Driving a car, for instance, might well end up pushing you on the wrong
side of the law - and filming as you are asked politely to leave the car probably won't endear you
to the police either.
(Online Source:
By James Rivington August 8th, 2013
1. Discuss and suggest some feasible application considerations when developing a new
product development strategy for Google Glass.
[50 Marks]
2. In this highly competitive environment, illustrate how Google Glass better manage
innovation within the organization to stay ahead of its competitor in the industry?
[50 Marks]
[Total 100 Marks]

Level 3 & 4
Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation

Individual Assignment
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A written essay of approximately 3,000 words that evaluates business issues from the topic in the
next page.
The assignment must adhere to standard academic documentation standards:

Please use appropriate citation and reference according to the Harvard Name
Referencing System in order to avoid plagiarism.

Font type should be Times New Roman.

Font size should be 12 pts.

Vertical/line spacing should be 1.5 line spacing.

You must use enough of your own words to convince that you understand what you are
writing and are not just cutting and pasting. Normally your own words should be no
less than 80% of the total word count.

You should on no account make reference to,, or the likes as sources for your work. These websites can be useful to
provide you with the definitions and the general ideas about the concepts within module
but it is not acceptable to be inserted into your academic writing.

You may include diagrams, figures, tables etc. without word penalty.

You are required to use at least 4 references with 50% of them are from relevant
textbooks, magazines and academic journals.

A sliding scale of penalties for excess length will be imposed according to the amount by
which the limit has been exceeded. Your word count must be indicated on your cover

For limit excess (excluding executive summary and references):

11 20%

10% reduction in the mark

21 30%

25% reduction in the mark

31% +

the work will be capped at a pass i.e. 50%

Point to note: maximum penalty for exceeding the word limit will be a reduction to a pass
Level 3 & 4
Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation

Individual Assignment
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Marking Scheme
Question 1
1 Background of the case should be clearly discussed.
2 Feasible application should be discussed in depth
Identify the multi-dimensional concept of Google product
Use of proper language, grammar, referencing, and
4 acknowledgement of external sources


Question 2

Explain the dilemma; recognize the difficulties of managing


Answers should be justified and must be logical and critical.

Use of proper language, grammar,

acknowledgement of external sources




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Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation

Individual Assignment
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When completing the assignment it should have the following general structure:

Title page

Executive summary, abstract or synopsis

Contents page(s)

Question I

Question II




Marking Criteria
Marks are awarded based on the following guidelines:

Assessment Guidelines
Pass answers are expected to be legible, tidy, well organized and written in
General clear, understandable English. Students who grossly exceed the word limit
will be penalized.
Superficial analysis, concepts ad language of the subject is absent or scant.
0-39% Irrelevant regurgitation of text book. Ideas are poorly expressed. Many key
issues are ignored. Concepts and language of the subject are used but are
often confused in application and or explanation.
40-49% Some understanding of the relevant models and concepts. Some elements
of an appropriate structure are present. Restricted analysis of some issues.
Evidence of reading and research. Understanding of the application of
50-59% appropriate models and concepts is demonstrated. Key issues are
identified and analysed, although this may be restricted at times. Some
source s are acknowledged.
Evidence of wider reading. The assignment effectively interprets the
information and exhibits the integration of ideas across the subject area.
60-69% The assignment has credible recommendations. A systematic approach to
development and evaluation is used. Most sources are acknowledged and
referenced using Harvard system.

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Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation

Individual Assignment
Page 9


Arguments are clear and convincing. Confident integration of theory and

practices is demonstrated. Consistent referencing to sources using the
Harvard system.

Submission and Administrative Information

Individual should include the Coursework Submission and Feedback Form with their
submission. The lecturer will give the CSFF before the submission dates.
Plagiarism is NOT acceptable. Representation of another person's work as your own,
without acknowledgement of the source, for the purpose of satisfying formal assessment
requirements is considered plagiarism. The possible consequences of plagiarism include:

Reduced grade for this module

Referral for this module
Failure of this module
Expulsion from the Institution

You can avoid plagiarism by using correct referencing, attribution.

You may not copy another groups work in any way.

Level 3 & 4
Asia Pacific University College of Technology and Innovation

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