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Paige Railey

TWS 499
Spring 2015
Instructional Decision Making
Task 7a: Analyze and reflection on observed lessons.

Lesson 1 Reflection:

What went well about the lesson?

The students grasped the concept really well. They were able to mix the colors properly
and keep the different colors separate. The KWL introduction and conclusion helped
gather their thoughts and allowed them to communicate their questions and comments.
The organization of the lesson worked very well. The steps between introduction,
instruction, actually doing the activity and clean up went very smoothly.
2. What did NOT go well about the lesson?
The students seemed to be unclear on the final product that I was looking for. I made a
teacher example for next class in hopes that this issue will be solved. The clean-up
routine was a little rough compared to usual. Next class, I will use a little more time to go
back to basics on cleaning up the right way.
3. Did the students meet the objective of the lesson? How do you know?
By observation, I noticed that the students are well on their way to meeting the objective
of the lesson. This is a project that will take a little longer than a day so eventually all the
students will have met the objective. The students who I assumed would be finishing
quickly are and the students who I expected to struggle are. While the students are all in
different places with the project, I think they will all successfully understand color theory,
color mixing and what it means to make a color wheel.
4. What students did NOT meet the objective of the lesson? Why? What adjustments did you
make for these students?
The only students who havent met the objective are the students who struggled getting
started. In order to fix this, I was sure to give these students a little bit of extra attention
and help to get them on the right track. These students either didnt understand the
directions or simply chose not to follow the instructions. In order to adjust to these
students, I made sure to go back over instructions or have them work separately to figure
it out on their own.

Lesson 2 Reflection: Magazine Collage 6 th Grade

1. What went well about the lesson?
The students were attentive during the introduction. The examples provided were great
examples to show variety in how to execute the lesson making it a good reference for
students. The students transitioned well between the introduction and working. The
requirement for students to write a story first and then draw incorporated ELA but also
forced students to brainstorm.
2. What did NOT go well about the lesson?
Students seemed to understand the concept of writing their story and doing a brainstorm
but they didnt show it. Students didnt show that were aware of the requirement to write
the story completely and then move on to the drawing. This was something I had to go
over quite a few times.
3. Did the students meet the objective of the lesson? How do you know?
The objective was for students to find images from magazines and then create a short
story about them to later illustrate. Students did in fact find the images first and then

Paige Railey
TWS 499
Spring 2015
moved onto writing the short story. I was sure to observe students while they were
working to ensure they were staying on task.
4. What students did NOT meet the objective of the lesson? Why? What adjustments did you
make for these students?
Students who did not meet the objective or the day were considered to be behind.
Students who are behind on projects usually end up having to take it home to finish for
homework the day of the due date. Students who did not finish the objective for the day
didnt finish because they were off task or not focusing on their work. Sometimes, the
students get carried away with planning and forget to move on to the final drawing. For
these students, I was just sure to remind them to move on from the practice drawing and
to put that effort into the project.

Lesson 3 Reflection: Clay Pot Painting Changed to Class Drawing Activity

1. What went well about the lesson?
This lesson was a lesson used to take the place of painting pots. The pots werent as cool
as I was expecting to allow the students to paint so I came up with an alternate lesson to
do as a class that ended up being extremely successful. The students did well with
working independently. The students were able to transition from working independently
to a group discussion. The students did a great job with following directions and working
creatively. The students were very engaged in the group discussion and had some very
impressive comments.
2. What did NOT go well about the lesson?
Some students didnt take their drawing to quite the next level that I was expecting.
Some students were obviously taking the easy way out just to finish early
3. Did the students meet the objective of the lesson? How do you know?
The objective was for students to find images from magazines and then create a short
story about them to later illustrate. Students did in fact find the images first and then
moved onto writing the short story. I was sure to observe students while they were
working to ensure they were staying on task.
4. What students did NOT meet the objective of the lesson? Why? What adjustments did you
make for these students?
Students who did not meet the objective or the day were considered to be behind.
Students who are behind on projects usually end up having to take it home to finish for
homework the day of the due date. Students who did not finish the objective for the day
didnt finish because they were off task or not focusing on their work. Sometimes, the
students get carried away with planning and forget to move on to the final drawing. For
these students, I was just sure to remind them to move on from the practice drawing and
to put that effort into the project.

Task 7b: Analyze and reflect on unit

During the lessons that were observed, I was sure to provide constant feedback to the students
throughout the lesson. Generally, my feedback consisted of encouraging words or words that
probed students to think harder about a topic. Students also received feedback via discussion as
a class. This made for great group discussions and allowed for students to expand on the lesson
objectives, criteria and materials used.

Paige Railey
TWS 499
Spring 2015
Throughout each lesson, my style was adjusted depending on the group of students. While each
lesson was observed with a different class, my teaching style was constantly changing. Students
in one class may respond well to group discussion with only a few comments from me while a
different class may respond well to group discussion that was completely led by me. These are
adjustments I made based on the class and what I picked up from the students throughout each
lesson. Generally, I went off of how the students responded to the lessons.

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