10 Communication and Collaboration Plan

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Paige Railey

TWS 499
Spring 2015
Communication and Collaboration Plan
Task: Create a plan and provide examples of different ways you communicated regularly and
effectively with families and other professionals concerned with the education of your students.
In addition, provide evidence of accessing community resources and participating in schoolbased extra-curricular activities and events.
Regular Communication with Parents/Guardians
An introduction letter was sent to the parents/guardians of the students in my classes. This
letter was sent from me as a way to introduce myself, explain my student teaching situation and
what it meant for the students. This was a way to ensure parents were aware of what was
happening in the classroom, my intentions and opened the door for parents to contact me or Mr.
Winchester with any questions regarding my teaching.
[Introduction letter included]
All parents were emailed regarding the Greenwood District 50 Art show. Students who were
featured in it were hi lighted and greatly praised for their hard work. This letter encouraged
parents to come and see their childrens work. This letter also encouraged parents and students
who didnt have work in the show to still attend to see what the possibility would be if their work
was considered for the show next year. This was a great way for parents to see the involvement
and how it is important for the parents to also encourage their students outside of the art room.
[Letter sent to parents about the art show included. Students name taken out for confidentiality.]

Communication/Collaboration with Colleagues

Communicating with other teachers in the ACTS program at Brewer usually takes place during
lunch time each day. Recently, the school mandated that teachers sit with the students while
eating so this clearly took away from time to collaborate with other teachers. Most of the
planning for the End of Year Showcase for the students took place during lunch. The teachers
conversed about what they thought was best as far as the rehearsals went, requirements for
students dress and the beginning and ending of the entire performance. Generally during lunch,
teachers conversed about these things and brought each other up to speed on the wellbeing
students. It was a good time to talk to the other teachers to find out about how the students do
in each class and compare the behaviors. Teachers would let other teachers know of issues
within the grades and drama issues that could cause a distraction in the class. This always
worked out great because it prepared us as teachers for what may be to come based on what
happened in other classes.
[Email including notes taken during a quick lunch meeting for a teacher who was not present.]
Teachers are given half days where students go home early and teachers use this day as
Professional Development. Generally, this time consisted of the ACTS related arts teachers
collaborating and planning more in detail for various events for students. The half days took
place at least once a month and made for a great time to sit and seriously plan for upcoming
events. For the most part, the teachers didnt have to worry about curriculum planning but more
so focused on the different events and programs happening. The teachers discussed and
designed t-shirts for the students, worked to settle scheduling for field trips and programming
events, and focused on setting up the same programs and events for the coming year. Teachers
took notes on their Chrome Books while I simply listened and offered my input. This type of
meeting was great exposure to what goes on behind the scenes of a related arts teacher. Much

Paige Railey
TWS 499
Spring 2015
to many peoples conclusions, related arts teachers do just as much, if not more, than core
teachers when it comes to planning.
At least once a month, the entire school was called for a faculty meeting mandatory for all
teachers. I usually made sure to take notes for teachers in our area who were unable to attend
due to sporting events or family emergencies. These meetings took place in the library, a central
place for all teachers that was easy to get to and easy to collect in. Meetings were a time for any
teacher who may have been on a professional development trip or when to a professional
development workshop to share what they learned and offer advice on any new material.
Teachers were able to voice questions and opinions about the happenings within the month at
the school. This also allowed all teachers and administration to be on the same page as far as
expectations and requirements for the school from the district office.
[Attachment included of notes taken in a way which made it ways to remember the information
to convey to those who missed the meetings.]

Incorporate Community/Community Resources

Students were informed of the Greenwood District 50 Art show and encouraged to work hard to
create works of art worthy of being submitted. Students were introduced to the idea of being in
a show, showed how to prepare work for admittance to a show and then shown how to get to the
show. Students were also provided with post cards inviting them and their families to attend the
show. Not only did this include the class and their parents but it also got students involved in the
Arts District in Greenwood. This opened great doors to discussion on the Festival of Flowers Art
Show that students can enter, as well.
[Write up of information given to students regarding the Art Show at the Federal Building]
Extra-Curricular Involvement
Junior Varsity/Varsity Greenwood High School Softball Game: There are two girls in the art class
that are on the Junior Varsity and Varsity Softball Team for Greenwood High School. One of the
girls is a student who is very cooperative and a great student. Some would even say she acts
just like me. The other girl is one who I struggle with keeping her attention and gaining her
respect. I figured that if I went to their softball game, the one who I struggled with would see
that I do care about her not only in art class but outside of school. I made signs for each girl to
hold up when they were up to bat. Both girls thanked me the next day for coming. The girl who I
already have a good relationship with was so excited to see me there and was still really
cooperative in class. The girl who I struggled with was more open to working cooperatively in
class and had a much better attitude. Showing the girls that I care about them outside of the art
classroom showed them the respect I have for them which made it easier to give me respect as
their teacher.
[Image of view of softball field from stands while watching.]
End of Year Showcase Rehearsals and Performance: Every Friday, grades six and seven have
rehearsal for their End of Year Showcase (EYS). Students have worked really hard for at each
rehearsal. They work to learn the words to the songs they are singing, they work to learn the
choreography for the songs and the stage placings for the performance. The performance is
coming up and I plan to come back to Greenwood to see both grades performances. Knowing
how much time and effort the students put into the performance and then being able to come
back and see the students actually do the performance will be so rewarding! Students will also

Paige Railey
TWS 499
Spring 2015
be excited to see me and all the other teachers come back to see them do the full performance.
This will show them that all the hard work and effort they put in was worth it.
Greenwood District 50 Art Reception: Ten students from the ACTS Art Focus classes were selected
to be a part of the Greenwood School District 50 Art Show at the Federal Building in Uptown
Greenwood. As the student teacher for the class, I went with Mr. Winchester and helped set up
the show the Saturday before it opened. The day of the opening, there was a reception for
students and parents to attend. I attended the reception, posed for pictures with the students
and got to meet their parents. The students were informed of the reception the week before and
were told how great of an opportunity it is to have their work displayed in the gallery. Students
who came were able to see their work compared to other students in the district and really were
able to see how talented they are. After student saw their work in the gallery, they were able to
come back to class and work even harder to strive to have their work entered to other art shows.
[Image included of entire art show during the reception]

Letter to Parents

Paige Railey
TWS 499
Spring 2015

Letter to Parents Regarding the Greenwood District 50 Art Show

Paige Railey
TWS 499
Spring 2015

Paige Railey
TWS 499
Spring 2015
Email with Notes from Informal Lunch Meeting

Image of Notes Creatively Taken for Those Who Missed Faculty Meetings

Paige Railey
TWS 499
Spring 2015

Image of Softball Game

Paige Railey
TWS 499
Spring 2015

Image of Greenwood District 50 Art Show

Paige Railey
TWS 499
Spring 2015

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