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Sandy Nguyen

Julia Remsik Larsen

English 120-040
2 May 2015
Genre Revision Cover Letter
The first revision I would like to introduce is the major writing assignment #1; Position
Paper. For this revision, I decided to revise it into a different genre by designing the original
assignment into a brochure. The goal of this revision is to show the opposite perspective of what
I had written about as a counterargument in the first place, instead of my own personal point of
view; this time, its the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers
(PARCC) and what their main goal is towards the students. From being an argumentative paper,
the brochure is a way of providing information for those who are curious and would like to know
more about the exam and its purpose towards the students while giving the intended audience
basic information about what the PARCC tests for.
For this major writing assignment, I decided to do a genre revision because I wanted to
take a different approach on the rhetorical situation, turning it around from a perspective I was
opposing at the beginning of the semester. Applying SLO J to this revision has helped me
improve my writing through a different perspective by analyzing and describing the writing and
research of an academic field in order for myself to understand various ways of creating and
communicating knowledge. Through the research of an academic field, I was able to take the
assignment on a different approach; the opposite approach from what I was aiming for in the

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original assignment. I am able to focus on my intended audience and the information they seek.
This revision is a brochure in which I aim to focus on informing the audience about the PARCC
exam and its purpose towards the students and the community. However, for this revision, my
audience is wider; instead of it being local, it is focused on a national level. Informing the
audience what the PARCC is about through its goals and purpose towards high school students.
As I had argued against this PARCC exam before, I chose to support it because I wanted
to expand more of my understanding on its goals and purpose for the students. I wanted to make
a different approach to understand why certain states are requiring this particular exam as a high
school graduation exam. By doing so, I designed a brochure informing the audience what its
goals are and what the exam covers, and also ways and tips for students to study. Although, I did
not include much in-depth information, I only covered what I thought would answer the
audiences questions. If otherwise, I had listed a couple of websites and contact information if
any questions and/or confusions arise.
As a new rhetorical situation, the purpose of this brochure is to provide information about
the PARCCs purpose towards the student and information about the exam itself. The color
scheme of the brochure ties in with the PARCCs main color, blue. Although, I did not use one
main color of blue, I used various shades of a soft-blue color as well as black to catch the
audiences attention and have the information and visuals pop towards the readers. This revised
brochure applies to the new rhetorical situation because its purpose is to inform the audience
with basic information about the PARCC and its goals that it plans to achieve.
I believe that I have met my expectations and exceeded them with this revision. The
revision came out quite informative and eye-catching, knowing and feeling confident that it will

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also attract the audience. The brochure is well balanced and consistent with its text, fonts, visuals
and colors. Also, I did not include too much or too little information nor did I include too much
pictures, this will not overwhelm the audience.

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