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Land of the Free

Lisa Maley

Background Information

Population: 67,091,089 (20th)

Capital: Bangkok
Language: Central Thai
Government: Constitutional Monarchy
Religion: Theravada Buddhism
Economy: Mostly agrarian and service

Customs, Traditions, Taboos

Greeting: Wai: pressing your
palms together at chest or nose
level and bowing your head
Customary to remove shoes
The head is sacred
Avoid excessive compliments
Women cannot touch monks
Kao (rice) is eaten at almost every
Families are very close, children
are taught respect for elders

Positive and Negative


Tech whiz kids

Strong math skills
Sex slavery and child prostitution
Skin bleaching

Education in Thailand
Free until grade 12, and nine
years of education are required
In Matthayom (secondary school),
students may choose to start
vocational training
Large class size
Lecture based classes that focus
on math and science

Teaching Strategies
Independence is not customary,
incorporate group work
Asian children tend to be more dependent,
so praise and encourage these children
Make discipline private
Learn a few words of Thai
Peer teaching

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