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Boom! Boom! That is the sound that I heard one week before
Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Every Muslim over the world celebrate Hari Raya
Aidilfitri after fasting a month ago. Many people are going back to their
hometown to celebrate with their family. I am very excited to see many
relatives include my cousins and aunt. A day before hari raya, we all
cook many foods. We clean the furnitures and tidy up the whole
house. We did some decoration to make it look brighter.
At night, all children play with fire-cracker and the adults are
preparing for the festives. Some of them prepare the lemang, and a
group of men are cooking dodol. My aunt is a very good cook. She cook
a lot of the dishes for us during hari raya because there will be a lot of
people come to the house tomorrow.
The first morning of Hari Raya Aidilfitri, we went to the mosque.
After that, we visited our family grave. Suddenly, I remember them and it
is a very touching moment for me. When we reach home, we eat the
meals such as rendang, ketupat, bahulu, satay, and many more. Many
people come to pay us visit.
Then, we all went to visit our relatives and friends from house
to house. We say sorry for our past mistakes and ask for their

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