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CEP Lesson Plan Template

Teacher/s: ___Caitlin Wang & Parkorn Wongsiri___

Level: __A3__
Date/Time: ___MWR 10am to 12pm___

Goal: Students will be able to learn vocabulary associated to travel and vacations and
integrate these vocabulary into their conversations about vacations and travels

Objectives (SWBAT):
Students Will Be Able To
1. Learn new vocabulary and travel slangs associated with traveling
2. Use the new vocabulary and travel slangs in their speaking activities of role-play
3. Advocate and talk about their own countries as a travel site
4. Use supporting reasons and examples to back their ideas when arguing for their own
Theme: ___Adventurous Vacations and Traveling___
Extensions: ____English with Jo ____





Review or Preview (if


Linking & Transitioning to rest of

- Attendance and announcements
- Go over homework and ask some
students to contribute their answers

(for example:

10:00 to
10:10 am
(10 mins)

introduce the
vocab and

10:10 to
10:15 am
(5 mins)

Activity 1: Travel
vocabulary and slangs

1.1 Pre-Stage: T presents some travel

vocabulary and slangs to the SS and
ask them to identify and define the
vocabulary with partners
Now look on the power-point here.
Here are some vocabulary and idioms
that you would usually use when
traveling. Talk with your partner and
Transition to #2:_Now that try to guess the meaning, identify the
we have practiced with these parts of speech, and in what situations
vocabulary and have done a these vocabulary words are used
mini-role-play, lets apply
Give SS some time to discuss.
this into another role-play on Go to the board to write the parts of


talking about your countries

and traveling_

speech and definition when you come SS-T (SS

up with one for any vocabulary
define and T
T then calls on the SS for the
corresponding definitions they wrote
on the board to define and ask other SS
if they agree.
If no SS can define the word correctly,
T will provide the correct answer.

10:15 to
10:20 am
(5 mins)

1. accommodation
2. itinerary
3. budget
4. cosmopolitan
5. picturesque
6. remote
7. scenic
8. stroll
1. Off the beaten track/path
2. Travel light
3. To hit the road
4. Bright and early
1.2. During Stage: Have SS turn to
textbook page 137.
T asks one S to read the paragraph for
activity 5. Can I get one volunteer to
read the paragraph for activity 5?
Thank you. Now, two volunteers
one flight attendant and one passenger
to read the dialogue
T have SS get into pairs again and give SS-SS
them all a topic (the list on page 137)
to come up with a dialogue.
With your partner, come up with a
dialogue for the vacation plans listed a
to f. I will come around and assign you
a topic.
Try to integrate the vocabulary and
slangs you just learned into your
Also, try to vary up the sentence
structure for example, dont always

10:20 to
10:25 am
(5 mins)

4 mins

use so youre off to when asking a

question. Try to make the conversation
more natural
1.3 Post-Stage: T randomly calls on
each pair to present the role-play
dialogue of topic from a to f.
Now, who did topic a? (T randomly
chooses a pair)
Who did topic b? (T randomly chooses
a pair)
Who did topic c? (T randomly chooses
a pair)
So on

10:25 to
10:30 am
(5 mins)

Tangible Outcome & T. feedback/peer

feedback: Students will define and
understand the new vocabulary and
slangs on travels. Students will also
learn how to use these vocabulary in
other speaking activities, such as in
role-plays. (T) T monitors students
progress during group activity and
notes down any major errors as well as
facilitate the vocabulary definition
portions if students get the definitions
wrong, T will correct and provide the
right answer. T will also listen for any
errors during SS production of
dialogues (P) SS share ideas and
guesses with each other on the
definitions and brainstorm dialogue
together in pairs.

Activity 2: Traveling RolePlay Representing your

own country

2.1 Pre-Stage: T have the SS identify SS-T (T

the countries they are from and have
introduces the
them get into pairs again to talk about activity)
some things and places they like to do
and go to in their own countries.
I know most of you already know
where your classmates are from. But
now, in your pairs, say which country
you are from and talk about some
things and places you like to do and go

10:30 to
10:34 am
(4 mins)

Transition to #3:_I will

leave it to Parkorn for his

in your own country.

SS will talk and share with each other.
Okay, now can I get some volunteer
to share some ideas that YOUR
PARTNER has said

2 mins
SS-T (some SS
share their
2 mins pres

2.2. During Stage: Have students get

into groups of 4 or 5 (so 4 groups) and
they will be role-playing as travel
agents and talking about their
You will get into four groups. Each
group will have a traveler and 3-4
travel agents. Your goal as the travel
agent would be to advocate for your
country. As the traveler, your goal is to
choose one country to travel to
Travel agents will argue for their own
country and persuade the traveler to
choose your country include some
famous sights that tourists like to go to
when visiting your country and
interesting things they can do.
Remember support your argument
with reasons and examples!
Travelers will ask the travel agents
some basic questions about travels
ex. How much are the costs, what are
the transportation, what kind of
accommodations, is there a package
deal, etc.
Try to use the vocabulary and slangs
we covered in the beginning of the
class today
SS will work on their roles in their
Try not to group the SS from the same
countries together in one group if
there are groups with SS of the same
country, have one of them be the

2.3 Post-Stage: T have each group

present their dialogue (3 mins for each

10:34 to
10:45 am
(11 mins)

10:45 to
presents and T 11:00am

group). After each group presents, T

calls on SS for (15 mins)
randomly calls on one SS from the rest comprehension
of the class to check whether they were Qs)
paying attention to the presentation.
Which country did the traveler end up
picking? What do you think of the
travel agents persuasion? If you were
the traveler, which country would you
Tangible Outcome & T. feedback/peer
feedback: Students will integrate the
vocabulary and last classs lessons on
supporting reasons and examples to
talk about and advocate travel to their
own countries in dialogue role-play
fashion. (T) T will monitor SS progress
during group preparation and listen for
any major errors to note down. T will
also help out groups in their dialogue
formation and make sure all dialogues
flow. (P) SS will work in groups and
brainstorm to come up with ideas to
include for their dialogues and
introduce their countries to other SS in
their group and to the whole class
during presentation.
3.1 Pre-Stage:
Activity 3:
3.2. During Stage:

3.3 Post-Stage:
Transition to #4 or Wrapup:___________________

Activity 4:

Tangible Outcome & T. feedback/peer


4.1 Pre-Stage:

4.2. During Stage:

4.3 Post-Stage:
Transition to Wrap-Up:


Tangible Outcome & T. feedback/peer


Lesson Evaluation Procedures:

- Textbook, workbook, teachers guide
- Power-point slides
- Vocabulary list and definitions
- Slang list and definitions
- Construction paper for notes

Anticipated Problems & Suggested Solutions:

- Students taking longer in other activities and no time for the main activity
o Cut out some other parts of the activity if necessary and be comfortable
with editing or getting rid of an activity if its taking too long with no
purpose or too difficult for the SS
- Students already know the vocabulary and most of the slangs before introduction
o Instead of having students define the words, have them make sentences
and check SS comprehension of the words from the sentences they make
- Students get bored of all the speaking
o Integrate other aspects of language into speaking and give students a
purpose or reason to practice speaking
- Running out of time for activities
o Keep close track of time and let students know the time limit

Contingency Plans (what you will do if you finish early, etc.):

- Have students write a short paragraph answering the following questions:
Where have you been?
What is the best place you have been to?
Do you prefer to travel by train, bus, plane or ship?
Have you ever been in a difficult situation while traveling?
What are some things that you always take with you on a trip?
Post-Lesson Reflections:
1. Vocabulary explanations and activities took longer than expected
a. Had to cut out textbook activities and go straight to main activity

2. During vocabulary, I had students go up to the board to try to define the words
and slangs
a. It was mainly one student writing all the definitions
b. Some students knew what the words mean but would not go up to the
3. Students tried to incorporate the vocabulary we learned into their role-play
4. All students seemed to understand the definition and parts of speech of words
5. When it involves talking about the students cultures and countries, they enjoy the
discussion a lot
6. The speaking activity of role-play involved SS to talk and introduce their
countries to the classmates a lot of students enjoyed the activity a lot and
wanted more time to discuss
7. Ran out of time to have all four groups present have to roll over to next class to
finish presentation

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