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CEP Lesson Plan Template

Teacher/s: ___Caitlin & Parkorn___

Level: _Advanced 3_
Date/Time: _MWR 10:00am to 12:00pm_
Goal: Students will produce reporting questions from direct speech of questions and
apply this grammar to context outside of exercise drills. If they wish to relay what others
have told them, students will be able to use the three parts of reported speech (reported
statements, reporting verbs, and reporting questions) in any context of direct speech
outside of class without any major problems.
Objectives (SWBAT):
Students Will Be Able To
1. Understand the rules behind reported questions
2. Practice making direct speech questions into reported questions
3. Integrate their knowledge of reported speech (reported statements, reporting verbs, and
reporting questions) into a new context (i.e. listening)
4. Produce original reported speech based on any original direct speech in any context
Theme: ___A Way with Words Reporting Questions___
Extensions: ___Reporting Questions: ESL base; edufind.com___



Review or Preview (if


Linking & Transitioning to rest of

(for example:
Greetings and attendance
T checks with SS if there are any
confusing areas for the last two parts of
the grammar section before we
completely move onto the next section.
I know that we kind of gone into
reporting questions last class. Before
we go into the rules today, does anyone
have any questions on anything we
have learned so far regarding reported
statements, time expressions, and
reporting verbs?
If SS have no questions or confusion, T
will move onto reporting questions.



Activity 1: Introducing
Reporting Questions

Transition to #2:__Now we
are going to integrate all
three portions of reported
speech into another activity

1.1 Pre-Stage: T reminds SS what they

did last class for reporting questions
Remember how we switched the
direct speech questions into reported
So for example, if I say How was
your weekend? what kind of
question is this and how did we change
the question into reporting question?
What about Can you speak Chinese?
what kind of question is this? How
did we change the question into
reporting question?
Because T already went over these two
questions with SS last class, SS should
be able to answer T
After SS answer T, T will start by
introducing the rules
Good! Now lets take a look at the
rules and structures behind making
direct speech questions into reported

10:00 to
reminds SS
about reporting (10 mins)

T then directs SS attention to the rules

and structures for reporting questions
- When we report questions, the subject
comes before the verb
1. Direct speech: "Where are you
Reported speech: He asked me where I
was going
The auxiliary be verb gets uninverted and subject comes first like
how you would say it in a regular

explains the
rules but SS
will read out
the sentences)

2. Direct speech: "Why is he

Reported speech: He asked me why he
was shouting
Notice in both cases, you still retain
the question word where and what
and just un-invert the subject-auxiliary
Also, the rules we learned in reported

(5 mins)

statements still apply if you hear the

simple present tense verb in the direct
statement, what do you change to in
reported speech?
SS will say simple past
Good, so in these examples, because
the direct speech questions are in
present progressive and the reporting
verbs are in the past tense, what do you
change the verbs to in reported
SS will look at the example sentences
and say past progressive

- When reporting questions we don't

use the auxiliary verb do, except in
negative questions.
1. Direct speech: "Where does Peter
Reported speech: She asked him where
Peter lived
Notice that the auxiliary verb do is
omitted in the reported speech
2. Direct speech: "Who doesn't like
Reported speech: She asked me who
didn't like cheese
Notice that because this is a negative
question, you would still keep the do
auxiliary when reporting negative

- When reporting yes/no questions, use

'ask' + 'if / whether' + clause
1. Direct speech: "Do you want me to
Reported speech: I asked him if he
wanted me to come
So in this case, the reporting verb is
ask + if + the clause want me to

come. But because the reporting verb

is in the past tense, you would change
the second verb in the clause from
simple present to simple past as well
want to wanted. Also, notice that you
take out the do auxiliary verbs in
yes/no questions when making reported
In this case, youre telling someone
what you had told him
2. Direct speech: "Have you fed the
Reported speech: She asked me
whether I had fed the dog.
In this case, the reporting verb is ask
+ whether + the clause fed the dog.
Lets see. Because the reporting verb is
in the past tense asked, what do you
do with the second verb? The verb in
the direct statement is present perfect,
so what do you change to in the
reported speech?
SS will answer past perfect
Good, so thats why it is whether I
SS-T (T will
HAD fed the dog
give SS
examples to
After SS understand the structures, T
test their
provide more example sentences and
calls on SS to answer.
of reporting

Work with a partner and try to make

these into the reported speech
1. Direct speech: "Is it raining?"
(Answer) Reported speech: She asked
if it was raining


2. Direct speech: Why is she crying?" process)
(Answer) Reported speech: He asked

(5 mins)

why she was crying.

3. Direct speech: How old are you?
(Answer) Reported speech: He asked
how old I was.
4. Direct speech: When can we have
(Answer) Reported speech: She asked
when they could have lunch
Introduce two new reporting verbs that T-SS (T
10:10 to
can be interchangeable with ask
introduces new 10:15am
Everyone knows what ask means
(5 mins)
right? It is a reporting verb that you can
use when you want to report a
question. Do you know of any other
verbs that mean ask?
If no SS can answer, T introduces the
I want to introduce two new reporting
verbs that mean the same thing as ask
so you can expand your vocabulary
**Put these words on the board**
inquire and enquire
Both of these words can be used in the
general sense for asking informal
questions, but inquire and enquire
can also have formal usage as in like
formal investigations.
In practice, inquire is more common
in US English and enquire is more
common in British English
Anyone knows the noun forms of
these words?
Just a side note: the noun for inquire
is inquiry and the noun for enquire
is enquiry

1.2. During Stage: T makes sure there

are no questions with the reporting
question rules
Do you all see that one section builds
on the other? What we learned about

T-SS (T gives
some brief

10:15 go
(8 mins)

the rules for reported statements at the

beginning of last week applies to
reporting questions as well what you
hear in the direct speech, depending on
the reporting verb you choose (past or
present), the verbs in the reported
question clause will change, just like
the reported statements
Thats why I want you to be
familiarized with the rules and study
those rules so you can remember. Also,
dont forget, its just one step back into
the past. Simple present becomes
simple past, present continuous
becomes past continuous, present
perfect becomes past perfect, and
simple past becomes past perfect as
Just like will changes to would,
can changes to could and may
changes to might
Also with words such as should,
ought to, could, might, and must
that in the direct speech, you just retain
the same form when you make it into
reported speech as well

(3 mins)

T have SS work on an exercise to

familiarize themselves with the rules of
reporting verbs.
Lets work on some exercise problems
with reporting questions you can
choose to work alone or with a partner
When youre done, check with a
SS-SS or
partner and compare your answers
first; then SST passes out the handout to SS.

1.3 Post-Stage: T goes over the

worksheet with SS by calling on the SS
to provide the answers. T calls on the
SS on a rotation basis. After each SS
provides the answer, T will ask the
whole class if they agree or not. If the


(5 mins)

10:23 to
(5 mins)

SS provides the wrong answer and no

one else in the class catches the error, T
will provide the correct answer and
explain the reasoning.

Tangible Outcome & T. feedback/peer

feedback: Students will learn and
familiarize the rules of reporting
questions and be able to apply what
they learned from reported statement
rules and continue to apply the tense
changes into reporting questions.
Students will also learn two new
vocabulary words for the reporting
word ask to expand their vocabulary.
Upon hearing a question, students will
know how to change the direct speech
question into the correct form of
reported question.
(T) T will have point out to SS where
the corrections should be made when
they make a mistake in making the
reported questions from direct speech
questions. As SS engage in exercises of
reporting questions, T will monitor the
progress and occasionally look at
students answers to make sure they are
getting the correct answer. T will
explain to the SS the reason if they
cannot figure it out by themselves first.
T will also help any SS who have
questions. T will also provide informal
reinforcements for SS who answer the
questions correctly.
(P) SS will work with each other on
answering the worksheets and check
each others answers.

Activity 2: Interviews with

reported speech

2.1 Pre-Stage: T explains that SS will

integrate everything they have learned
so far regarding this chapters grammar
in an interview context. SS will be
divided into groups of four.
Okay, now we are going to integrate

10:28 to
(primarily T
giving activity (3 mins)

everything we have learned so far in

this units grammar into an interview
Transition to #3:__Parkorn activity!
will cover the next
You will be divided into four groups
of 4 or 5 SS
In your group, decide on a famous
person living or dead that you
would like to hypothetically interview
So for example, I would choose Helen
Keller and interview her
One person in the group will be the
famous person the interviewee and
the other people in the group will be
the interviewers
Each interviewer will think of at least
one question to ask the interviewee
Make the whole interview process
more natural and act as if like you are
actually in an interview or conducting
an interview include an introduction
and conclusion
Introduction could be greetings and
introducing yourself. The interviewers
should say something like It is so nice
to have you here with us today. We
have a few questions that we hope you
could answer for us!
Interviewee should say something like
It is my pleasure to be here. I would
be glad to answer any questions you
would have for me
Conclude the interviews as well
Each interview should be about 3 to 5
While each group is presenting, the
rest of the class should be noting down
the questions and answers they are
saying I will be calling on some of
you to tell me what you heard using
reported speech to answer me

2.2. During Stage: T divide the SS into SS-SS

groups and have the SS decide on a
role for each person in the group. T
will monitor and facilitate the group

10:31 to
(10 mins)

preparation process.

2.3 Post-Stage: T will give each group

3 to 5 minutes to present.
As each group presents, T reminds the
rest of the class to jot down notes of the
presentation groups questions and
Dont forget to note down some
things they said during the interview
After the interview, T calls on SS to
use reported speech to tell the T what
the presentation group has said/asked
Okay, Ran, can you tell me what
Felana asked?
SS will answer in reported speech,
specifically reporting questions.
Good. Now Barbara, can you tell me
what Jeanne-Alice answered?
SS will answer in reported speech,
specifically reported statements.
This process repeats a few times for
each presentation group.
HW Assignment page 91 in the
workbook practice 5 and 6. When you
write the reported statements or
questions, notice what tense the
reporting verb is present or present,
and then determine how you should
change the second verb in the clause
Tangible Outcome & T. feedback/peer
feedback: Students will be able to
practice listening skills by listening to
fellow classmates interview
presentation and integrate what they
learned on reported speech to report
what their fellow classmates have
said/asked in the presentation.
(T) T will monitor the class during
group preparation and ensure that all
SS are on task and not digressing off
topic. T will walk around and listen to
each groups choice on famous person

present their
interview and
other SS will
note down and
report in
speech; T

10:41 to
(19 mins)
(4 mins
for each
(2 mins

and questions/answers and provide

feedbacks to make sure they are all on
the right track. T will answer any
questions SS may have. T will also
provide informal reinforcements during
post-activity if SS were able to
correctly report the statements and
questions using correct reported speech
structures and verbs.
(S) SS will work together in groups to
share ideas and discuss how to form a
coherent interview process. SS will
also give feedbacks to each others
pronunciation or grammar if the
proficiency allows (T will be extra
careful of SS corrections to make sure
it is correct)
3.1 Pre-Stage:
Activity 3:
3.2. During Stage:

3.3 Post-Stage:
Transition to #4 or Wrapup:___________________

Activity 4:

Tangible Outcome & T. feedback/peer


4.1 Pre-Stage:

4.2. During Stage:

4.3 Post-Stage:
Transition to Wrap-Up:


Tangible Outcome & T. feedback/peer


Lesson Evaluation Procedures:

- Textbook, workbook, teachers guide
- Power-point presentation
- Reported questions rules
- Reported questions Exercise
- Reported questions exercise ANSWER KEY
- Markers
- Video camera
- Tripod
- Other formats of reporting verbs extra practice

Anticipated Problems & Suggested Solutions:

- Students work with the same partners over and over again
o Physically break the partners up and find them new partners (have them
switch seats)
- Students do not pay attention or follow instructions
o Be firm with the students and let them know that points for participations
will actually be taken off if they continue
- Students do not understand the rules even after explaining it to them
o Provide students with more practice problems before having them
generate their own sentences
- Students understand the rules and the grammar and are starting to divert attention
on other things because they are bored
o Make sure everyone understands and if all SS show that they understand
the grammar, instead of more exercises, move on directly to the next
- Students ask me questions that I may not able to answer
o Try to anticipate what kinds of questions would ask and research
o If I did not anticipate the question that was asked in class and I do not
know the answer, be honest and look up the answers for the students at
- The activity does not go well or as I had planned
o Pay close attention to what worked and what did not and learn from it to
make next activities better
- Students present too fast for other students to jot down what they said
o Ask the students to slow down or before presentation starts, tell the SS to
speak slower so everyone can hear and understand
Contingency Plans (what you will do if you finish early, etc.):
- Have them first work on HW practice 5 in class and assign only practice 6 for
Post-Lesson Reflections:
- Everyone was present in class

Everyone understood the grammar lesson very well today

At first no one was able to give me the rules behind reporting questions
o After the explanations, all the students were able to provide the correct
grammatical form of the sentences and provide me the rules behind
forming reporting questions
No one had questions about any parts of the grammar for this unit and when I
tested on their comprehension, all of them were able to answer the questions
Spent more time on the reporting question exercises and answer checking than
expected less time for the integrated activity
Students were engaged in the interview activity coming up with the roles and
questions as the interviewers and the interviewees
Ran out of time
o There was only time for one group presentation
Students spent more time on the presentation itself than the post-activity where
reported speech is used
o I should have been more clear in the instructions reported speech in the
post-activity is more important
o Spent more time on the presentation that there was less time for postactivity and not that many people were able to practice their reported
speech for the other presentations
Should balance out my activity time better and make group work presentation
more effective but the post-activity point of reported speech more salient and
more important as well
o It was not good that I had all groups prepare presentation but only one
group got to present and the reported speech portion of the activity was
not fully carried out either

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