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Allie Christisen

Corrine Holke-Farnam
Cornerstone 21
30 April 2015
Reflection on Student Success
I have learned a lot about how to be a successful student during my first year of college.
Ive learned how to be a successful student inside and outside the classroom. Education wise I
have learned many tips to help me be a successful student. I have learned that attendance and
participation play a key role in academic success. The more you show up to class and participate,
the better prepared you are for tests and homework assignments. Also, attendance and
participation have an effect on other students learning. Sharing your thoughts and/or questions
during class time can affect how other students learn certain information. This semester I
shouldve gone to classes more often than I did. I shouldve also taken more advantage of the
resources I had this semester like contacting peer mentors and going to study sessions for tests.
I have also learned many ways to be a successful college student outside of school. One
of the most important ways to be a successful student is by getting involved with activities on
campus. I have gone to many activities that were put on by the UNI Campus Activities Board. I
have also gone to activities supported by UNI proud, the art program here at UNI, and the UNI
Feminist Action League. I went to activities for Black History Month, Sexual Assault Awareness
Month, and gallery exhibitions in the Kamerick Art Building. However, most of the activities I
participated in were house activities that were planned by my RA. I participated in activities such
as spa night, prom, house dinners, craft night, and many more. Participating in activities on
campus provides students the opportunities to make connections with other students and

sometimes faculty. Its very important to get out and participate in memorable activities rather
than sit in your dorm room alone.

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