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A chronological analysis of the various approaches FIFA has

taken so far in tackling racism in soccer, it is clear that they have
shown tremendous commitment to eradicate the canker. FIFA as
a body has numerous functions to perform in the organization of
games and other related responsibilities, it is evident from the
steps they have taken that, they have done enough in their
capacity to stop racism from marring the beautiful game of
soccer. Looking at the success level of the various strategies
utilized by FIFA in dealing with the issue of racism, I will gladly
say from a personal view that they have performed well in
reducing racism in soccer. All stakeholders in the soccer
fraternity will need to collaborate in keeping the fight against
racism stronger. Other stakeholders in other sectors of the
economy will need to learn from the bold steps of FIFA to
institute a multi-sectorial fight against racism so as to achieve
maximum results. Overall, the evidence gathered shows that


racism in soccer will have been much worse if FIFA had not
intervened with the various measures.
It is not very clear whether FIFA has really shown the
greatest commitment to eradicate racism looking at the enormity
of the problem. Critics believe FIFA is merely demonstrating
double standards in the sense that there is deep seated
discrimination even in how leaders in this body are elected.
Racism in sports as with racism generally in society is an
endemic problem in Britain (Gardiner et al., 2006:128). In their
book, Sports Law, Gardiner et al., state that there are low levels
of representation of sports administrators or coaches from ethnic
minority backgrounds

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