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Olivia Conti, AP Lit, Mrs.

In the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare, he writes about a twisted reality in which
Hamlets father was killed and his mother married his uncle. The climax of Act I could be
argued at any point but in my opinion the moment the guards reveal to Hamlet about
potentially seeing his father and the climax is when he revealed that the uncle killed

BBrinkle 4/28/2015 12:41 PM

Comment [1]: Not needed in this assignment.

BBrinkle 4/28/2015 12:41 PM

This could be argued because the ghost was an essential plot device utilized by
Shakespeare to efficiently progress the plot. The ghost of King Hamlet makes a
startling revelation about his untimely death by the foul hands of his brother. The ghost
appearing, serves as the exposition to Act I and the rising action would be the
characters on duty reporting to Hamlet what they saw. It is convenient that the uncle
poisoned King Hamlet considering Hamlet didn't like him marrying his mother and him
being an 'incestuous beast.'
The ghost was foreshadowing the events to come, the wrongness of the entirety

Comment [2]: Run on sentence here

BBrinkle 4/28/2015 12:42 PM

Comment [3]: Passive voice, needs to be active

BBrinkle 4/28/2015 1:00 PM

Comment [4]: Turning into a summary of the
first act.

BBrinkle 4/28/2015 12:44 PM

Comment [5]: More summarizing

BBrinkle 4/28/2015 12:44 PM

Comment [6]: Stop summarizing and answer the

of the situation now as he should still be king but due to the actions of his brother he
has lost his role. Hamlet now has an legitimate reason to dislike his cousin in the eyes
of those around him. Shakespeare is well known for his tragedies where he write in five
acts and the revelation of the poisoning brilliantly sets up the exposition to Shakespeare
With the revelation now in play and the mood set up in the play we will now begin
to see the true tragedy of Hamlet.

BBrinkle 4/28/2015 12:54 PM

Comment [7]: It does not read right, should be a
and not an.

BBrinkle 4/28/2015 12:55 PM

Comment [8]: It needs to be writes and not
write, typo.

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