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Collin Thomas
English IV
Mrs. Crist

The Problem with Stem Cell Research

Although stem cell research yields to very promising results, there is a long line of ethical
and religious restraints that are holding back its progress. The definition of unethical is
pertaining to or dealing with morals or the principles of morality;pertaining to right and wrong
in conduct. In the eye of the general public, unethical is one of the many words that would be
used to describe both the methods of extracting stem cells, and even the implementing of the
techniques using these cells. Many people, the Christian population specifically, find that any
termination of life such as a fetus is highly immoral and a sin. They also see this research as
playing God, because stem cells can solve many health issues by modifying existing cells.
Stem cell research is perceived as unethical and sacrilegious, however the science does not
support this.
According to Deborah White, Some staunch pro-lifers and most pro-life organizations
regard the destruction of the blastocyst, which is a laboratory-fertilized human egg, to be the
murder of human life. They believe that life begins at conception, and that destruction of this
pre-born life is morally unacceptable(Pros & Cons of Embryonic Stem Cell Research). With
claims like these being made by religious organizations and powerful people, from the beginning
it was obvious that stem cell research would struggle to take hold in the American medical

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system. With the main extraction method of stem cells being taken from aborted fetuses, it is
very easy to see why one may be inclined to try and prohibit its growth.

As Dr. Hollowell states, Stem cell research and human cloning are about transforming
the mystery and majesty of life into a mere malleable and marketable commodity. In the short
term, this is big business and offers great fame and fortune to the pioneers and biotech companies
who master their secrets and harness the power of life(Ten Problems with Embryonic Stem Cell
Research). Another problem with stem cell research is that many people are concerned about the
cells being used to make clone of people and animals. By doing this, a large number of
questions and issues have arisen due to concern about toying with human life and creating
Unlike the opinionated and moral standpoint based views of stem cell research, there is
no science supporting that stem cell research is a negative cause. It produces only positive
outcomes and ideas and it is still one of the most highly controversial topics out there. The only
thing this area of study is being held back by is the non fact based opinions of the Christians and
people who view the branch of science as unethical. Stem cell research holds endless
possibilities and should not be stifled by people who arent ready to make life saving scientific
As far as the science goes, stem cell research is practically the fountain of youth and
growing knowledge. However, it has an immense lack of funding due to claims of it being
unethical, sacrilegious, and even playing God. There are no scientific facts backing up the
negative claims. Stem cell research is the future, just like how many things we use today were
once considered impossible, impractical, or unethical.

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"Ten Problems with Embryonic Stem Cell Research." The Institute for Creation Research. Web.
18 Mar. 2015. <>.

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White, Deborah. "Pros & Cons of Embryonic Stem Cell Research." Web. 18 Mar. 2015.

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