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Lakota High

Lakota High School
Ms. Ulrich
30946 Felicity Dr.
Fiesta, CA 90210

Dear Mrs. Fork,

Good Afternoon, I wanted to inform you of our schools Spanish Class and the benefits it could have
to your student. We are starting up a Spanish Class at Lakota High School during the 6 th hour of our school
day. This program could benefit your student in a number of ways.
Spanish is becoming a very fast growing language in the United States. Also, most colleges in the
United States require a foreign Language. Furthermore, in some colleges, if you take two years of a foreign
language in high school, you are exempt from the University requirement.
Your student, Cody, is a very academically strong student and I believe she would be a great fit for
this program. She is a very strong writer and has exceled in English, literature, and language arts. We at
Lakota High School believe that this would help further the education of your students, and give her a well
rounded experience, as well as learning about other cultures co-existing in the United States today.


Dakota Ulrich
Lakota High School Principal

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