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WAKA West Palm Division
Customer Service Rep:
Lori Dool


Presented by WAKA

Pets are NOT allowed at the park. Please make plans to keep your
pets at home or we will have to ask you and your pet to leave.
Alcoholic beverage containers are NOT allowed at the park at any time, this
includes the fields & parking lots. No glass containers or bottles of any kind
are allowed on the fields. Large Coolers, Funnels, or Kegs are not allowed on
the fields. You are required to keep all beverages in bubba kegs, thermos
bottles, solo cups, or anything that cannot be seen through. Clear colored or
see through cups are not allowed, please purchase solid colored solo cups.
Anyone in violation of the beverage policy will be asked to leave the premises and may be suspended for the remainder of the season.

Looking for a Volunteer!!!



You are here

Week 7 Results

WEEK 8 Schedule

Power Rankings

Vet of the Week


Week 7 Highlights

Hidden Giveaway



Other Activities:
Due to general safety and liability reasons; no other sports may be played at a WAKA
permitted field just prior to or during the games. That means no tossing a football
around or kicking a soccer ball.
Absolutely no fireworks of any kind are allowed on or near our fields. That includes Sparklers, Flame
throwers, Molotov Cocktails and anything else you can think of.
All trash must be picked up before you leave the field. Trash cans are available throughout the
park. Your CSR will also have trash bags available as well. Please clean up after yourselves!
Rest Rooms:
The park has provided bathrooms, use them. Do not use the caveman method and do your business in
bushes or even worse in the open. You may get a ticket and we may lose the permit to use the park!
Park only in marked spaces or areas designated by the park. Parking on roads, on the curb,
or on the sidewalk in unmarked spots may result in a parking ticket.

Week 7 Standings

Playoffs start next
May 14th
7pm & 8pm
May 21st7pm, 8pm &
Championship Game
is at 9pm
Brackets will be
posted in next
weeks GMOT

Field Reminders:
*Please park in
designated spots
Get there early or
ride with a friend
and ALWAYS make
sure to lock your
Mark Your Calendars!
End of Season Party
Beer Olympics
May 16th

Power Rankings
1. TITS Even though they suffered a tough loss against Beastmode
last week, they pulled it together to dominate in Flip Cup and won a
first round bye in the Beer Olympics and official WAKA Solo Cups!
2. Speed Bumps Last week, this team was all about getting on base!
Can they finish the regular season undefeated or will they get run
over by Kick James?
3. Bases May Not Be Loaded But We Are- Well this
team has proven that they are the best drinking
team in the league, winning the Dual of the
Drinkers II last week and coming in 2nd place in
the Flip Cup tournament wasnt bad either! Can
they remain fearless this week or go home
4. Beastmode These Beasts felt up the TITS last
week in a close game! With a tough game again
this week, we will be Better?
5. The Better AlcoBALLics- These BALLers have
been proven to shut down their opponents this season! Can they
take down the Beast this week to move up in the rankings?
6. Ligers This team continues to fight their way up the rankings and
score double digits last week! Can the Ligers dominate the AlcoBALLics or will they be took scared to take the shot!
7. Sneaky Snakes- Dont mess with these Snakes! They slithered
past the AlcoBALLics last week and can rep their team at a West
Palm Bar Crawl. Will they be ready this week to take on the Fockers or will they get Focked up?

8. Im Kick James, Pitch- These Pitches are ready for Week 8! After
a weekend of line dancing and bar crawling, they have regained
their strength to take on the Speed Bumps!
9. Scared Kickless- This team cleaned up last week against the Mudders! Can they Scare their competition this week and take home
another win over Bases Loaded?
10. Licensed to Kick Well this team rose to the
top and took out the Pitches in Low Places last
week! Can they Kick up their game and take
home another victory this week against All About
That Base?
11. All About That Base- Suffering from a 2 run
loss this week, can AATB jam out this week to
take home another win before the playoffs start?
12. Mudder Fockers- The Mudders were so close
last week to dirty the Scared record! Will they
clean up their act this week against the Snakes?
13. AlcoBALLics Losing a tough game to the Snakes, these AlcoBALLics arent ready to quit yet! Even though it is closing time on
the end of the season, can these Ballers go out with a win?
14. Ive Got Pitches in Low Places- These Pitches are struggling to
finish the deal! With a lot of positive plays last week, this team
just couldnt pull off a W! Will they take down the Beast this


VETERAN of the week

Steven Martinez
Bases May Not Be Loaded But We Are
Q: How long have you been playing WAKA?
A: Since 2012
Q: What is your favorite kickball memory?
A: The day Lori Dool and I became best friends! It was a beautiful Thursday evening, we were on a team that was randomly thrown together. Our Captain asked one of our teammates to go and play right field, and proceeded to point to left field. At that moment, Lori and I
made eye contact and shook our heads in utter disgust. From then on we have been besties!
Q: What theme week would you like to see happen?
A: I think a Toga theme would be awesome!
Q: If youre not busy being awesome at kickball, what are you up to?
A: Being awesome at life.
Q: If you could create your own celebrity dream team, who would be playing with you?
A: Tim Tebow, Matt Harvey, Chritian Ronaldo, Chad Ocho Cinco Johnson, Olivia Munn, Cameron Diaz, Miles Teller
and Vince Vaughn

Q: At OSheas, what is your go-to drink of choice and

favorite item on the menu?
A: Beer and Chicken Fingers fosho
Q: What advice would you give someone who is a rookie
this kickball season?
A: You have to be good or fun, otherwise what is the point???
Q: What would you like veteran kickballers to know?
A: One day I will sign my team up under your team name that you always use, just so you cant use that
team name!

A, B, C


Anything but Cups

Week 1 of the

Week 8 Celebrity

End of Season Party!!!

May 16th 3pm
Beer Olympics
Teams of Any 6 WAKA Players

Congrats to TITS for

winning the Flip Cup

Pictures here

Hidden Giveaway!
Be the first Team Representative to bring/wear
the Hidden Giveaway item of the week and show it
to the Community Coordinator (Lori) to win a
special prize!
*Up to 5 people can win each week*
**Only 1 person per team can win per week**

The Secret Item is:

Party Hats

Game Day Specials:

your chances
$7 Bud
$3 Irish Car bombs
and win free drinks
$5 Appetizers

$5 Food Specials
Fingers, Wings, BLT, Burgers, etc.

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