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Journal Two

1. The readings surprised me quite a bit by stating everything is an argument. I never really
looked at everything being an argument till now. I learned a lot from the habits of
effective writers because writing is always a learning process and you can never perfect
it. Im always looking for ways to become a more efficient writer. The readings were
about how to become a better writer and discovering who you are. The writings explained
what an ethno-autobiography was exactly and how to channel who we really are.
2. There are many things as a writer I would like to strengthen but the main one would be
my word choice. I wish I could just use better words that make what Im trying to say
sound better.
3. After reading the ethno-autobiography it opened my eyes to how complex I am. I never
thought I was anything great. I am a determined student who wants to accomplish all I
can. From since I started school I wanted to excel. I want to do the best I can so I can
reach my goal of becoming a dental hygienist. My cultural identity is a Caucasian female
from Virginia Beach, Virginia.

4. What I need to work on as a writer is my creativity. When it comes to papers where we

pick what we write about I have a hard time finding what exactly to write about.

5. We argue to convince, persuade, inform, explore, and make decisions, meditate or pray. I
agree that everything is an argument. The different types of arguments are arguments of
fact, arguments of evaluation, arguments of definition, and proposal arguments.

6. The differences of appealing to pathos or ethos are pathos appeals to emotion and ethos
appeals to credibility. An example of pathos is a commercial for cigarettes showing you
the scary effects of what they can do to you. An example of ethos is a flyer stating facts
and giving correct credibility.

7. Double-consciousness is this sense of always looking at ones self through the eyes of
others. It originally came from the psychological challenge of reconsidering an African
heritage with a European upbringing in slavery and education. It affects American society
because of all the immigrants who try to adjust to the new life as an American. It affects
my life because my ancestors are from Germany but I was born in the U.S. I never got to
experience my heritage.

Journal Four
1. After reading chapters, "Academic Arguments" and "Finding Evidence," determine how
James Baldwin's "The Fire Next Time (excerpt)" is structured as an academic argument
and uses "specific" evidence. What kind of evidence does he use to "support" his
argument? How does he evaluate his evidence? How is his piece related to the concept of
Its structured like an academic argument because he explains how the Christian morals didnt
favor blacks like it did the whites. His specific evidence he uses is his personal experience that
he also uses to support his argument, as well as examples from the bible. This piece is an
ethnoautobiography because its a story about how what he has been through made him what he
is today, it shaped who he is.
2. After reading the chapter, "Using Sources," how did Wittgenstein use circumstantial
evidence in his argument against ethics?
He gave examples of how circumstantial evidence and ethics can often clash.
After reading the chapter, "Evaluating Sources," how would you use Foot's article in a research
essay? Is this article a valuable source for an ethics paper? Why/why not? How about a paper
arguing for/against abortion, gay marriage, or the value of war? Why/why not?
I would use Foots article in a research essay when it comes to the different views Im
discussing. He explains how biases are common even from well-known sources which could be
valuable. I believe he is credible to an essay. A paper on these topics would value his article
because he states how arguments on public issues are often influenced by bias, which might
strengthen the papers case.

Lastly, after completing your Group Work with your fellow group members and reading
all three articles, what are your burning questions on religion? Name a few questions for
the Fishbowl Discussion on Tuesday. Remember, this Fishbowl Discussion will end our
Module/Unit on "Dialogues on Religion."

Do most people work out a religion for themselves or simply follow their ancestors' religion?
Do you think that religion in general has had a positive or negative effect on the world?
Journal Five
Morgan Heintz
Professor Sipin

English 110C
February 19, 2014
There are times in life were we have to decide whether or not we believe in something.
About eighty-four percent of the population has a faith. Its challenging for me to believe a
concept without proof. Even though I was raised in a Christian family, its still hard to truly
believe. I might not fully believe in God, but it doesnt mean I worship the devil, which is
typically the stereotype. Some might question me by asking if I dont believe in a God, what do
I believe in, what is my drive in life, and where do I get my fulfillments from?
Since I dont believe in God, what do I believe in? I believe in becoming the best I can
and to help others less fortunate. I believe that you dont have to have a religion to be a genuine
person. I know many who attend church regularly and do nothing to serve their lord. I may not
do things in the name of the lord, but I do make a difference. I always try to do what I can to help
others. I volunteer to help the less fortunate, donate to charities, and try to be an amiable person.
I dont need a religion or a God to be the best person I can be.
Some might think what my drive in life is, if I have nothing to look forward to. Just like a
religion, you have things to accomplish before you go to meet your God. My drive is to make a
difference in the world in any way possible. Even if my difference is small, its still a difference.
I strive off of achievement. I strive to fulfill everything I want to in life. I may not have the same
drive others may have, but I still have one. I still get fulfillment from accomplishments I make.
Religion or not, I still achieve all I want to. I look to family and friends for guidance and support.
Contrary to what many may believe, religion doesnt make a person. I am a genuine,
thoughtful, and caring person. I may not have a relationship with God, but that doesnt mean Im
a terrible person. People tend to judge ones who do not believe, but it will always be a
controversial topic. You can ask me why I dont believe and I can ask you why you do and
proceed to go back and forth. I dont judge people who believe in religion and do not follow the
holy way, as you should not judge me for not believing. I dont know how any of us got here or
how the world began, but I dont need a God to follow to accomplish everything I want to.
As I conclude, I would like to stress that even if I dont fully believe, it doesnt mean I
dont support. I still have goals, achievements, and drive in life. I dont worship the devil or act
uncontrollably. I look to make a difference in the world. So to answer the questions, I may not
believe in God due to the fact there is not proof, but I still succeed in life regardless.
Journal Eight and Nine
1. After watching the documentary and reading Searching for Women of Color" and "Race
and Attraction my perception is that racial preference is not racist. I believe that if you

truly love one race that is fine. It becomes racist when there is a negative connotation.
The documentary Seeking Asian Female changed my perception on racial preferences.
The beginning of the documentary I was creeped out by the older man. After the film, I
was questioning whether I was uncomfortable with the race difference or the age
difference. I believe the problem that everyone was focusing on wasnt the racial
differences, but the large age gap. If the white man was around her age we wouldnt think
much of it. Somethings in the film made me uncomfortable. For example the amount of
pictures and letters he kept from other women was outrageous. Something that surprised
me was that she actually loves him. I wouldve thought after being with him for three
months she would leave, but she stayed. I never thought that such a big age difference
and cultural differences would still create love. For a possible research question I would
ask; Is it racial preference that makes us uncomfortable or the large age gap? A thesis
statement I would do is; racial preference isnt what makes us uncomfortable, it is the
enormous age gap between the two individuals.
2. What Im worried about with my paper four is the word count. Im nervous that I wont
be able to fulfill that requirement. I believe my strengths in the research process are
being able to find credible information. I believe my weakness is not being able to write
well enough. I believe that the research process is the most difficult thing about the
paper. After you create an outline you can easily write your paper.

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