LP 26

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CEP Lesson Plan Template

Teacher/s: Amy Joy and Spencer

Level: A5
Date/Time: April 15, 2015
Goal: Raise awareness of student errors that they made outside of class on
Instagram and improve reading abilities by reading for details and relating
information to classmates
Objectives (SWBAT):
Students Will Be Able To
1. use the present progressive and appropriate demonstratives to talk about photos
2. read a chapter from a book and report its contents
Theme: Sleep, seasons, time
Extensions: Instagram, mole people


Interaction Time

Review or Preview (if


Linking & Transitioning to rest of lesson:

Warm up: exercise on talking about photos
Presentation: Patrick


Activity 1:
Transition to #2:
reading (integrated with
writing and speaking)

1.1 Pre-Stage: students are given poster

paper with incorrect sentences on them that
they provided on Instagram. Students work
in groups of 3-4 to correct these sentences.
When finished, students will post their
posters on the wall so everyone can see the
errors corrected. If some errors were not
corrected other students may help out. After
they are all corrected, we go thtrough the
errors and students will explain their
here are some things you posted in
instagram. Each poster has 4 errors and 1
correct sentence. Find the sentences with
the errors and correct them
1.2. During Stage: students then write
sentences on the pictures and pass them to
the right for further comments. Students are
instructed to use the present progressive,
correct demonstratives, and the preposition
of to describe what is in the photos.
**if they move quickly/students who finish
early, students can then describe instagram
photos to their partner using the present



progressive and correct demonstratives.**

1.3 Post-Stage: now in your groups I want
you to reflect on this challenge, and answer
these questions
1. Ask if anyone discovered something new
about their classmates
2. what did you learn from this challenge?
(about English, your classmates, culture,
technology, etc.)
Tangible Outcome & T. feedback/peer
feedback: students will have completed a
worksheet with rules as well as have
examples from the pictures.they described
Activity 2: reaing:
Mole People
Transition to #3: wrap

2.1 Pre-Stage: So heres another picture

(put up mole picture) Can someone
describe what is happening in this photo?

5 min


yes, the animal is digging! what kind of

animal is this again? a mole!
ask students to talk in groups about what
they remember from last weeks reading on
the mole people. Have those share with
those who were absent. Put up questions
such as:
1. what is the topic of this book
2. did the author always feel comfortable
talking to homeless people?
3. has anything been done to help these
2.2. During Stage: students read one of four
mole people accounts: frank, teddy, carlos,
and Jimmy. Students answer questions
while they read.
Students then become experts of their
passage and get into groups where each
person has a different story. Ss share what
they read to the whole group, who then fill in
their answers on the worksheet.
2.3 Post-Stage:
Students discuss their thoughts on the
stories and answer the following questions:
1. do you typically give money to the
homeless people you see in NYC? Why or
why not?
2. What is the difference between street



smarts and book smarts? Which would you

rather have?
3. Some people disagree with the authors
decision to publish this book. Why might this
topic be controversial? Do you think that
what the author did was good or bad?
Tangible Outcome & T. feedback/peer
feedback: a completed worksheet that was
done with the help of peers

Lesson Evaluation Procedures:

3 min

Ask everyone to think of one thing they

learned. When everyone has their hand
raised, ask a few students to state what
they learned
powerpoint, instagram warm up exercise, markers/chalk
Contingency Plans (what you will do if you finish early, etc.):
Many discussions questions prepared at the end of activities to promote extra speaking if
we have too much time

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