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Deflate Gate Essay

The deflate gate scandal involves the New England Patriots being accused of deflating
the footballs used for their game against the Indianapolis colts. It was found that one of the balls
was deflated by two pounds. Tom brady, a patriots quarterback along with BIll Belichick, the
patriots head coach, were accused of deflating the balls to win the game. The score was 7 to 45
with the patriots winning. Bill Belichick and Tom Brady both were at a conference saying the
allegations against them were not true. They claimed the reason for the ball being under
pressure was because of the cold temperatures.
We decided to test out with chemistry if the New England Patriots explanation about why
the balls were underweight was reasonable or not. First we took the room temperature of about
seventy degrees fahrenheit and we converted it to celsius by subtracting thirty-two, multiplying
five, and then dividing by nine. We got 21 degrees celsius. Next we converted that celsius
temperature to kelvin by adding 273. We got 294 kelvins. We did the same thing to the
temperature it was outside. It was about 25 degrees fahrenheit outside. we converted it to
celsius and got 9 degrees celsius. Next we converted it to kelvin and got 269 kelvins. Next we
used gas law formulas. We put 12.5 on top and 294 kelvins on the bottom. On the other fraction
we put X over 269 kelvins. We crossed multiplied and divided to get 11.45. Therefore we think
that the patriots cheated since the ball was so underweight.
In conclusion we think the patriots cheated in the football game. We believe this because
when we did the math the amount of air that was lost was too much to be logical. A ball losing
air because of the temperature makes since but it can only lose so much air. The amount of air
it actually lost was too much. Another reason we believe the Patriots cheated in the football
game is because there was video footage shown of a patriots locker room attendant taking the
footballs that were being used for the games and taking them into the bathroom for about 90
seconds. At this time that attendant could have been deflating the balls. This is why we believe
that the patriots cheated.

25C-32C= -7F
-7F*5= -35F
-35/9= -3.9C

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