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Chimney Ridge Homeowners Association

Meeting Minutes
April 28, 2015 at 7:00 pm
Board Members Present: Jeff Miles, Dot White, Carla Batchelor, Jill Hudgins, Monica
Treasured Property (Property Management): Dwain Gullion
One homeowner present.
Meeting was called to order.

The March 2015 meeting minutes were approved as is.

Work has started on the pool, preparing it to open Memorial Day weekend.
o Jeff suggested we send the pool code directly to unit owners, instead of posting on
doors or distributing otherwise.
o Code is to be changed from last years code.

Repainting may be needed in the next 2 to 3 years, but some buildings may need it sooner
particularly 3706.
o It was noted that the painting was done previously is not lasting as long as it
should because the contractors used an inferior paint product.

The problem of cigarette butts being discarded on pine straw and littering common areas
was raised. In the next community mailing, will add reminders to residents about not
smoking in common areas or littering, along with use of the large holding area, not
leaving junk beside the dumpsters, and picking up dog waste.

Jeff reported that he attended Woodcrofts Annual meeting and asked about the raised
rates for the Community Center. He asked why we would need to pay $30/month,
especially when other organizations are allowed to pay a lower rate or use the room for
o Woodcrofts board indicated they would revisit the issue at their next monthly
o It was noted that Woodcroft had indicated in their letter about their Annual
meeting that they had raised individuals WCA dues for 2015 in order to meet
two goals: maintaining the WCA community room and adequately funding the
WCA Reserve Fund.
o Chimney Ridge individuals already contribute a significant amount to the WCA
dues just due to the large number of units.

It was reported that carpenter bees have been seen in the stairwell of 3805.
Action items:

o Alfredo will examine building 3706, assess state of the paint , and give an
estimate on any work which needs to be done with regards to painting.
o Alfredo will also give the board an estimate for pressure washing and staining the
wooden enclosures around the dumpsters.
o Dwain will get a quote on a dog poop bag stand. Will also check if Woodcroft
will install some as they do on their other trails and areas.

The meeting moved to the executive session.

Meeting was adjourned.

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