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Adrian Saenz

Mr. Long
English 4, 1

5 year plan
I had put a lock down on my decision to get a job in the field of criminal justice.
Interested in the field of law and the correction of it I inspire to go far with it.
I am very intrigued by the process and coming up of law and the protectors of it, I now
made my decision to be a corrections officer. I plan on getting my career by first graduating high
school then going to college for a degree in Criminal Justice. I have the experience to handle a
big group of people with my ROP class as the CEO and in theater being a director and stage
From the research I had found Criminal justice is the system of practices and institutions
of governments directed at upholding social control, deterring and mitigating crime, or
sanctioning those who violate laws with criminal penalties and rehabilitation efforts. That is the
genral definition of criminal justice but the field that I hope to work in is as a correction officer.
Correction officers guard inmates in penal or rehabilitative institutions in accordance with
established regulations and procedures. May guard prisoners in transit between jail, courtroom,
prison, or other point. Includes deputy sheriffs and police who spend the majority of their time
guarding prisoners in correctional institutions. Correction officers need to be able to be key
listeners, speakers, and critical thinking skills. I have the qualities if all three thanks to being the
CEO of a company in my ROP virtual enterprise class.
Once I leave high school it's straight to Merced Community College where I will be
pursuing my career in criminal justice as a corrections officer. I plan on being there for 2 years

for my general education and associates in criminal justice with applied arts. I have already
talked to the councilor and did everything I needed to do to get the classes I need for my major. I
have planned to take the course that is required for my major which is intro into criminal
justice. The class intro into criminal justice requires at the bare minimum to take Eng-85
prior and at the same time as my Intro into criminal justice. I will also be taking Drama-01
as a substitute for a communication class.
While in college I will be living with my parents here in Merced California. Where most
if not all of my college living will be if I choose to do so and only get my associates and not
move on to a four year college to major in the field. I will then need to get a part time job
because I am a full time student. I have already applied at multiple places such as Tillys, Khols,
and Takkens. Within the next few weeks I will be applying at yogolicious.
But with my major and what I want as a career I still hope to continue to work on music
and make a side career out of it. Possibly opening a small record label for local artist, helping
artist with their dreams to make them succeed. And to keep that dream alive. Some short term
goals would have to be get a job as I previous said, the jobs are pending, to study and research
my career field more and go into depth in it, and to write more music to have that dream still be
an aspiration

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