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Hernon 1

Mary Hernon
Mr. Maite
Grammar and Research VIII 5ACE
12 March 2015
Americans in Afghanistan
In 2009, the U.S has spent more than $200 billion in Afghanistan. Over
90% of that spending has been for the military (Merino). A major act on
terrorism was committed in New York City On September 11, 2001. A group
of Islamic terrorists, called Al Qaeda hijacked four airplanes. They crashed
two planes into the Twin Towers and one into the Pentagon. Passengers took
over the fourth plane and crashed it into a field in Pennsylvania. This act of
terrorism is one reason American troops went to Afghanistan. Afghanistan
has a lack of resources, which could be used to build Afghan Institutions.
Afghanistans lack of resources is another reason American troops went to
Afghanistan (Partridge).
Two main terrorist groups are the Taliban and Al Qaeda. Both of these
extremists groups are in Afghanistan. American troops have gone to fight
against the Taliban and Al Qaeda. The Taliban is an Islamic extremist group
and army. Al Qaeda is also an Islamic extremists group. It was founded by
Osama bin Laden in 1988. Al Qaeda is dedicated to the elimination of a
western presence in Arab countries. Al Qaeda is militantly opposed to
Western foreign policy (Mazzetti and Schmitt).

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American troops are protecting cities in Afghanistan that suffer from

Taliban violence. They are also training and equipping Afghan soldiers and
police. In 2014, President Obama said that the American Military would have
no combat role in Afghanistan next year. The missions for the 9,800 troops
remaining in the country would be limited to training Afghan forces. Another
mission for the American troops would be pursuing the remnants of Al
Qaeda. Both the generals at the pentagon and in Afghanistan urged
President Obama to define the mission more broadly to allow American
troops to attack the Taliban and other extremists threatening American or
Afghan forces. Some of Obamas top aides object to this idea, and they argue
that American lives should not be put at risk next year in any operations to
the Taliban. They also say that the troops should have only narrow missions
against Al Qaeda (Mazzetti and Schmitt).
Obama then described what missions American troops would carry out.
American ground groups are authorized to occasionally accompany Afghan
troops on operations against the Taliban. They are authorized American jets,
bombers and drones to support Afghan troops on combat missions.
Americans airstrikes are authorized to support Afghan military operations.
The troops are authorized to carry out theses specific missions throughout
the next year (Mazzetti and Schmitt).
Although many American citizens disagree our being in Afghanistan
because of vague objectives, it is clear that the soldiers are accomplishing

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the goals of the operation. The U.S military has helped build up the Afghan
National Army. They are helping them to be able to protect the country from
its internal enemies. The U.S military has dismantled the terrorist group, Al
Qaeda (U.S Legacy in Afghanistan: What 11 Years of War Has
Real political and economic progress has been made in Afghanistan.
They have increased political freedom and improved economic opportunities.
More schools for girls have been built. Survival rates for newborn infants and
their mothers have increased (U.S Legacy in Afghanistan: What 11 Years of
War Has Accomplished). In 2001, Afghanistan was a failed state, but since
then it has made significant progress in rebuilding its political institutions.
This has created the conditions for economic growth, and improving
infrastructure such as electrical power, road construction, water
management, and agricultural development (Miller). Though they have
accomplished much, security is faltering, support for groups like the Taliban
grows in rural areas (U.S Legacy in Afghanistan: What 11 Years of War Has
Military operations in Afghanistan have helped the country to make
significant strides affecting all areas of Afghan life. The Afghan people have
been able to reclaim their communities, take lead of their security, hold
historic elections and complete the first democratic transfer of power in their
country (Obama Marks End of Combat in Afghanistan). Their presence has

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improved road building and access to electricity. Rural development and

school attendance has increased since American troops have been there.
Health care has improved, and infant mortality has increased. Justice has
reformed since American troops have been there. Many parts of Afghan life
have improved from the American troops presence began in 2001 (Miller).
The war in Afghanistan has lasted for 14 years, making it the longest
U.S conflict in our nations history (Obama Marks End of Combat in
Afghanistan). American troops have been trying to secure one of the most
invaded and unstable countries in the world (Obama Marks End of Combat
in Afghanistan). In 2012, Obama considered withdrawing all troops by
2014(U.S Legacy in Afghanistan: What 11 Years of War Has Accomplished).
However, President Obama recently stated that the last troops in Afghanistan
will leave by the end of 2016.

Hernon 5

Work Cited

Baldauf, Scott. "US Legacy in Afghanistan: What 11 Years of War Has

Christian Science Monitor. 10 Jun. 2012: n.p. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 04
Feb. 2015.

Mazzetti, Mark, and Eric Schmitt. "In a Shift, Obama Extends U.S. Role in
Afghan Combat."

Merino, Noeu0308l. U.S. Military Deployment. Farmington Hills: Greenhaven,

New York Times. 22 Nov. 2014: A1. eLibrary. Web. 17 Feb. 2015.

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Miller, Debra A. Current Controversies: Afghanistan. N.p.: n.p., 2010. Print.

"Obama marks end of combat in Afghanistan." CNN Wire 28 Dec. 2014.

Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 2 Feb. 2015.

Partridge, Kenneth. U.S. National Debate Topic, 2010-2011: The American

Presence Overseas. New York: H.W. Wilson, 2010. Print.

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